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Do you believe in IQ?

thier is two colour contol systems CIE Lab and CIE luvshade and hue and hue are part of the luv system more used by artits
us industrial guys used CIE lab I was refering too colour strenght.

This is very good info. I am a visual arts dabbler, so my question makes sense from my frame of reference. I am sorry I don't know anything about the science of light, e.g. color. Though I did see a visual instalation piece at a museum where the artist used mirrors,and other interuptors, to disrupt a spectrum into the semblance of a lanscape. More science that art and quite a beauty!
When working my only concern was controlling colour even small difference, which most artistic people do not worry about. Same thing with IQ nobody really cares about small differences, through they do add up and become relevant.
WAIS[-IV] is the gold standard. It is less about gaming the test and more about neurological measurement.

This is correct. It is the one I paid for. It is the least bias and most comprehensive. I scored higher than expected. Only one section asked you the definitions of words. The rest targeted raw brain power, processing, memory, problem solving, critical thinking. I also think there are some hidden thinking measurements in the test which allow people to manipulate the test to score higher. But it is all part of the test.
Someone commented above on a list of animals. That isn't a memory test. That's a knowledge test. A memory test is I start off giving you 4 numbers and ask you to repeat them. Then 5, 6, 7, etc.

Then we start over and I ask you to remember this new set of 3, 4, 5, 6, etc numbers and repeat them back in reverse.

Memory tests measure your short term memory, not long term. One of the attributes to intelligence is being able to hold a lot of concepts simultaneously while you learn or work.

If you are studying particle physics and have a low short term memory you just can't do it. you need to keep in your head why this boson interacts with this lepton and why. How quarks associate with each type of elementary particle in the moment by extrapolation. I'm just making this crap up as I go.

But you get the picture. For my work I have to keep in my head a lot of things as I work so I know where I am at. Otherwise I get lost and it would take me forever to do it.

If you want to know your I.Q. stop paying for these el cheapo tests. You need an intelligent psychologist and pay the $400 for the WAIS[-IV] or whatever it costs today. It cost me $400 four years ago.
Intelligence is to IQ as height is to weight: tall guys usually weigh more, but there are many lanky tall boys and many chubby shorties.

Theres a strong correlation, sure, but it's far from accurate way to guess attributes.
It measures cognitive intelligence.
It doesn't measure social intelligence. But a low intelligence person with super social intelligence will still not succeed.
It doesn't measure wisdom. Completely different.
It doesn't measure creativity.
It doesn't measure morality. You can be the smartest person in the world and still be a BLEEEP!
I believe in IQ, just the way it is being measured and defined, did a lot of thinking over the years, I have a back ground in quality engineering, also worked with colour management for many years.
Getting some interesting insights and an analogy that may explain how it works. The first thing I learned as a quality engineer is specifications are designed and are not natural IQ is defined as 100 is the mean and or in other words a specification. The second major flaw is absolute numbers do not matter, what matters is the differences. I learned this from controlling colour 20,000 colours defined by one number how do they compare to same hue, chroma to each other when they are different chroma's. Had a good discussion with my brother a few days ago said it could not be done. My answer yes it can I have been doing it for years. Where does green start and red begin they are all on continuums.
I high school i had a couple intelligence evaluation tests where is scored in the 99th percentile on the math subjects, but they weren't official IQ tests. So I don't know my actual IQ. My dad said he scored about 120 when he was in the army so figure i must be around that since it has high heritability. My intelligence is definitely not evenly developed tho, i have always been horrendous at language related skills, but have an easy time with closed-ended questions and logic.

I don't think it's very fair when people with high intelligence go around telling others it doesn't matter. It's like beautiful people telling uggos that it's what on the inside that matters...

And don't say you feel dumb or IQ doesn't matter just to stay humble after telling everyone you have a genius IQ.

Another thing intelligence doesn't refer to every function of the central nervous system, i don't we should call musical talent musical intelligence.
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My intelligence is definitely not evenly developed tho, i have always been horrendous at language related skills, but have an easy time with closed-ended questions and logic.
Another thing intelligence doesn't refer to every function of the central nervous system, i don't we should call musical talent musical intelligence.
(IQ is a measure of cleverness, not knowledge.)
THat's the point I was trying to make , red is not the same as green, or where doe yellow start, orange begin,and then red. a contiuum. The issue is under performers are envious or prejudice toward over performers.
Another thing intelligence doesn't refer to every function of the central nervous system, i don't we should call musical talent musical intelligence.

Modern psychology is embracing the idea that the traditional IQ test only measures one aspect of brain function. They are now identifying around 8 different types of intelligence: Multiple Intelligences
Modern psychology is embracing the idea that the traditional IQ test only measures one aspect of brain function. They are now identifying around 8 different types of intelligence: Multiple Intelligences

If we want to categorize all these brain functions under intelligence, than i want a new word for just logical, spacial and linguistic intelligence. I think that in identifying the different types of intelligence neuroscientists would be more qualified than psychologists. Psychologist tend to think that statistics is hard science, and that something is true because it sounds good and other psychologists agree.
The real issue is mean IQ is abitrarly defined as 100 and he standard deviation as 15. both could deviate in different populations. these are basically engineering specs. differences are what matter not a single number. I'm not a big believer in grouping and labelling groups. continuums make more sense what makes a lion a tiger.
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If we want to categorize all these brain functions under intelligence, than I want a new word for just logical, spacial and linguistic intelligence.

I would suggest "processing power" and/or "logical comprehension". Processing power helps evaluate and accept/reject possible solutions to a problem as quickly as possible. Logical comprehension means that the person understands the problem or principles well enough to prune a large number of possibilities.

For example, if looking for anagrams using the letters "aeimnr", processing power can help you try all the possibilities quickly, but logical comprehension will help you reject all possibilities that start with two or three consonants, or contain three consecutive vowels or three consecutive consonants. Both contribute to solving the problem quickly.

At least, those seem to be the two factors that contribute the most to the types of things I work on. I'd say that I could be biased, but the "could be" part is wrong - I am biased.

Psychologist tend to think that statistics is hard science, and that something is true because it sounds good and other psychologists agree.

That is hilarious! This comment made my day.
Psychologist's were using overly simplistic models of statistics for years. physicists use them as an example how not to go down the rabbit hole them selves, confidence levels matter.
When you get down to it all that matters is accomplishments and achievements or most importantly is your life happy.
If you got a high I.Q. and haven't gotten rich or successful something else is lacking that isn't your fault.

Take away my wife's pills and she is a failure with her almost genius I.Q.

Sometimes people don't have the biology to support genius. If you are not motivated to do something...... there is nothing you can do no matter how many history books you memorized or how high level of math you can do.

Then you can get the average, to below average person, with an incredible drive where all sorts of things overdrive that motivator drug and they succeed decently. I know a guy who is a jerk, not bright, but has this drive. He got into some MLM company and basically BSes other dumb people into buying their crappy service/product. He makes a living at it.

Then my wife knows a genius that drives a UPS truck.

I am smart but not that smart and I run my business.

Also there are many intelligences and dynamics in life. A person might not be as qualified as you but have the social skills, cunning, and lack of ethics to do what it takes to get that promotion. Where you or I would never stoop to that level to get one throwing someone else under the bus.

From all my studies I firmly believe that we are programmed with some choices in our lives. Our biology drives everything. One simple example is why do I love olives and my friend thinks they are disgusting?!?! That is so distinct it can only be biology.

Why am I smart and my neighbor dumb as hell? Biology.

Why can my friend charm anyone and an aspie can't human behavioral constructs? biology.
That is complex and NTs have it built in to their system of identification. And if an NT, like myself, trains further it is a HUGE asset in life. Reading people's body language, emotions, tone, eyes, word selection. Huge advantage.

IQ is just part of the equation. If you have excellent social skills and IQ you can go far..... but now throw in severe depression because your neurology is messed up or over sensory overload..... welp there goes your life.

Just feel fortunate you live at this time in history with the greatest advancements in technology and the most understanding toward others.... well at least in Western countries.

Put my wife, my son, and even myself back 500 years and we would all be dead by now or enslaved.

You are at the front of the line of 100,000,000,000 people that came before you. They all suffered tremendously in history. Only this era do we have real peace and understanding. People ask why I don't celebrate holidays.... I say because every day is special and better than the previous one I lived. If I go back 100 years life was brutal, harsh, and it sucked.

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