If you got a high I.Q. and haven't gotten rich or successful something else is lacking that isn't your fault.
Take away my wife's pills and she is a failure with her almost genius I.Q.
Sometimes people don't have the biology to support genius. If you are not motivated to do something...... there is nothing you can do no matter how many history books you memorized or how high level of math you can do.
Then you can get the average, to below average person, with an incredible drive where all sorts of things overdrive that motivator drug and they succeed decently. I know a guy who is a jerk, not bright, but has this drive. He got into some MLM company and basically BSes other dumb people into buying their crappy service/product. He makes a living at it.
Then my wife knows a genius that drives a UPS truck.
I am smart but not that smart and I run my business.
Also there are many intelligences and dynamics in life. A person might not be as qualified as you but have the social skills, cunning, and lack of ethics to do what it takes to get that promotion. Where you or I would never stoop to that level to get one throwing someone else under the bus.
From all my studies I firmly believe that we are programmed with some choices in our lives. Our biology drives everything. One simple example is why do I love olives and my friend thinks they are disgusting?!?! That is so distinct it can only be biology.
Why am I smart and my neighbor dumb as hell? Biology.
Why can my friend charm anyone and an aspie can't human behavioral constructs? biology.
That is complex and NTs have it built in to their system of identification. And if an NT, like myself, trains further it is a HUGE asset in life. Reading people's body language, emotions, tone, eyes, word selection. Huge advantage.
IQ is just part of the equation. If you have excellent social skills and IQ you can go far..... but now throw in severe depression because your neurology is messed up or over sensory overload..... welp there goes your life.
Just feel fortunate you live at this time in history with the greatest advancements in technology and the most understanding toward others.... well at least in Western countries.
Put my wife, my son, and even myself back 500 years and we would all be dead by now or enslaved.
You are at the front of the line of 100,000,000,000 people that came before you. They all suffered tremendously in history. Only this era do we have real peace and understanding. People ask why I don't celebrate holidays.... I say because every day is special and better than the previous one I lived. If I go back 100 years life was brutal, harsh, and it sucked.