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Do you believe in IQ?

Bob there are various factors that are involved in your big 6 personality traits. One is neurosis. If you get anxiety during a timed portion of a test yes it will impact your ability. When I took my I.Q. test I scored 132. I scored average on the only part that was time measured because I panicked. The psychologist said I would have done better if it wasn't for that part.

Other factors also impact how you test. I was behind in school. Found it not interesting. I barely passed high school with a 2.2 GPA. Came from parents that didn't pay attention. A school system that didn't pay attention. Probably had ADD. Probably was bored. Also there are developmental things in your brain people aren't aware of. We aren't fully mature till 25-30. I only found college interesting in my 3rd year.

Now I run a high tech company that I can't believe I am running. I did things in my life most people can't because of how smart I am. Yet I bombed early.

Your early life is so incredibly important to get kids on the right track. Some people never find the right track. I got lucky that I had a girlfriend that believed in me. She got me an interview at an I.T. company because I was good at it with no formal training. In 5 years I was one of the top guys in my area.

So don't worry about the past if you are doing something now. What I am doing now I should have done decades ago. But at least I am doing now and being quite successful at it.

The past is the past. Just focus on the present and plans for the future.
I ponder the importance of the timing of the test.
One way or another, most IQ tests test four of its fundamental qualities:
  1. Non-verbal intelligence,
  2. Memory,
  3. Verbal intelligence &
  4. Processing speed.
(The above is ordered in my personal best to worst.*)

The "timing" element factors in one's processing speed
which is analogous to the "clock" speed of a computer.
Computers with faster clock speeds are, generally, more powerful than those that are slower.

*NTs tend to have similar scores in all four subcategories.
Neurds, usually, do not. That is called asynchronous development.
IQ may have some validity, we just look at it the wrong way a two dimensional flat bell curve.
this is wat too simple. A three dimensional bell curve makes more sense gives more opportunity for people of similar number or abilities to be compared, based on where are they located on the bell curve. Here is a copy of a simple two dimesional bell curve I put together years ago. Note it is hard to have an IQ in excess of 200.


There are definitely different types of intelligence, but it is a truly valid thing. I cannot turn my brain down to a rate that is comfortable for most people.

Like people who plod along at the grocery store and take up the entire aisle, oblivious to everything around them, I get frustrated and annoyed with people whose brains function at a more sedentary rate. But it is not a reasonable reaction, so one learns to hide how quickly and comprehensively one's brain works.

I sit on an extreme end of the bell curve and it is not a comfortable place to be because one is almost hyper-aware of everything going on around us. When one arrives at a destination ages before everyone else it is awkward waiting for them to catch up.

Working frontside retail at a bookshop we see all types of people. About half we have to explain what having a book sent to their house entails. Step by step, at least twice...because they do not understand the process.

We place the order. Take your information. Ring the order through the system. And it arrives in 5 -7 days. Super simple.

But people still ask if the book will be sent to them without payment. No. Can we send a book to another address? Yes. Do they have to pay for it before it is sent? Yes. You have to pay for the book or it will not be sent. Period. We are not a library, but a book shop. We can do expedited overnight, international shipping for free right? (Nope, and dude what have you been smoking.)

People cannot even figure out how a standard check out line flows.

Individuals have strengths and weaknesses, areas where they excel and unique skill sets. This is a fact, but from a people watching perspective, a lot of people are incredibly dense.

There are times I wish I didn't notice and process as much as I do because my tolerance and masking skills wear thin and people make my brain hurt. It is arrogance to say it, but it is a daily fact for me.

The idiom 'Stupidity should be painful', is painful in very literal sense to some people. When you know how to do a thing faster, better, more efficiently...and you are stuck moving at the rate of the slowest folks. You cannot bypass and leave them in peace, you are forced to continue the interaction.

I know there are a lot of folks who are much smarter and better at just about everything than I am, but I am wholly conscious of the difference between myself and the vast majority of people. I wish I didn't know about the chasm, but it is something I cannot undo.

I tend to be very book smart, but I do struggle with social deficits. It is a dichotomy of functionality.
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@Darkkin -

I can fully relate as my brain has always operated at warp speed and I usually arrive at a solution or answer well before others. It is a blessing when I am on my own, but it can be a curse when dealing with people that formulate at a slower rate. The gift of patience is not one of my virtues.
I don't know about IQ but I don't have much belief in IQ-tests. Because I took three when I was diagnosed and I got three different results. If IQ-tests are accurate, shouldn't I have gotten the same result on every test?
I don't know about IQ but I don't have much belief in IQ-tests. Because I took three when I was diagnosed and I got three different results. If IQ-tests are accurate, shouldn't I have gotten the same result on every test?
The quality that IQ tests measure [called "g"] has multiple facets (or dimensions).
When two tests measure the same facet of "g," they usually exhibit similar scores.

The Wechsler gives a general IQ [called Full-scale] score.
It is derived from four IQ sub-scores,
  1. Non-verbal,
  2. Memory,
  3. Verbal &
  4. Processing speed.
Raven's Matrices are more like Wechsler's #1,
where the Finger Oscillation Test correlates more to Wechsler's #4.

General IQ tests can be thought of as measuring the "mass" or "volume" of "g."
The quality that IQ tests measure [called "g"] has multiple facets (or dimensions).
When two tests measure the same facet of "g," they usually exhibit similar scores.

The Wechsler gives a general IQ [called Full-scale] score.
It is derived from four IQ sub-scores,
  1. Non-verbal,
  2. Memory,
  3. Verbal &
  4. Processing speed.
Raven's Matrices are more like Wechsler's #1,
where the Finger Oscillation Test correlates more to Wechsler's #4.

General IQ tests can be thought of as measuring the "mass" or "volume" of "g."

That's interesting. I did figure something out, I noticed that the score went up a little on test number 2 and then again on test 3. So I realized that if I just kept taking more tests, I would eventually have an IQ score of 500. Or even higher! :D;) I should have done that.

Test 1: Well, that's ok, not terrible.
Test 14: I'm a genius! :D
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I don't know about IQ but I don't have much belief in IQ-tests. Because I took three when I was diagnosed and I got three different results. If IQ-tests are accurate, shouldn't I have gotten the same result on every test?

I've taken them a few times over a number of years and scored slightly differently on all of them. Go figure.

I just see them as relatively meaningless benchmarks for most people in the real, practical world.
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as child my parents thought that I would be intellectually gifted, because I was few classes further than childs in my age. I made an IQ test and scored 123 I think, which was enough to be in some club, where gifted childs was supported additional to the school, even you´re only giftet with 130 or more score. they wanted me to go to an school for intellectually gifted childs, but my score was too less and it was the wrong IQ test.

I had a few additional IQ tests, don´t know the exact scores, but it was between 110 and 125 I think. my old therapist said (because of IQ test?) that I´m normal intelligent. my actual therapist says that I´m between normal and over-average intelligence (but not gifted).

for me it was always hard to accept or agree that I (maybe) have "only" normal intelligence. it felt like an insult for me. because especially in the past I thought I would be superior to others, morale/in character and cognitive.

but too be honest I don´t care today. because to do this IQ test and wanting to have the highest score and to be disappointed because you don´t score some score and feel bad or dumb, is disappointing and stressing.

so if the therapist says my intelligence is "normal", I don´t care. and when it would be so, okay. why not. normal is normal and is okay.

I still think that I´m over-average but not gifted.

he also said that my language would be "normal", but to be honest I had higher language with 14 than most 40 year old people and maybe before that too. but I don´t care about that too.

(85-115 IQ is normal (100 is average), 116-129 is over-average and 130+ is intellectually gifted)

I had a friend who said she has 130+ and another one said he did an IQ test as child and had 144.

I heard that everything above 150 is mostly not confirmed and probably wrong. it´s nearly impossible to score above this IQ. and when than it´s probably not serious.

some people are scored post-mortem, but this is very controversial.

and the higher the IQ is scored, the imprecisely it gets. above 150 it´s so imprecisely that the meaningfulness tends against 0. then it makes no difference if you say 160 or 1600000000000.

many IQ scores and maybe tests too, are just unserious.

also savants for example are mostly not high intelligent. that´s a stereotype. savants mostly are only good in one specific thing, but to have a high IQ you have to be very good in EVERY "discipline." when you score bad in one, you don´t get that high IQ usually. so savants mostly have under-average IQ.
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what matters is the standard deviation, or more important what is the mean. Five standard deviations Is 175 probably the limit for accurate measurement 1 per 10 million people. 2009 people. now plot these 2009 people on a thee dimensional bell curve. They will all have different interests. Apples to oranges.
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