Magical Pattern Auspie
Autism and aspergers really are not the same in my opinion frankly I think the whole thing is very poorly classified.
Classic Autism, (which I am mostly), is extra connections in the brain that were not culled (cut) during the early Teen years when the personality sets.
It is this culling of the brain that causes many teens to commit suicide as the brain changes are too much for them to handle at the time.
The shut down in Classic Autsim is not cause by lack of brain ability but Too Much connections between the brain sections allowing information to flow too fast from too many directions swamping the sensory processor.
Think a 8 bit computer wired with 32 bit buss lines...traffic jam central...this is why familiarity and reducing distractions in social situations help shut down any reduction of processing and needed annalyzing speed things up and reduce the traffic jam in the processor.
Autism actually makes you smarter in a sense in later years as buss line pathways and whatever get more and worn in (orderly) and the end result is you have a more power Brain computer than NTs.
Aspergers manifests the same social symptoms in social situations as Autism missing social cues and not being able to read faces...but it is real face blindness due to a poorly developed face reading brain sector...some people with it are so bad they basically can not see faces at all in a sense. With aspergers the face and social cue information is just lost...never seen...with autism shutdown it is not lost but stored as a repressed memory that can be seen latter usually the next day...and you get to feel the full humiliation of all the missed social cues from the day before...leading to depression.
So to summarize my view Classic Autism is too many wires between brain things...Apergers is a poor face reading processor in the face seeing brain section.
There are many low brain sector functioning, or excessively high brain sectors, combinations. These often get called (Autism) but really are not...they are just inner brain development aberrations, (this means brain sections in the baby grew at not normal rates.)
This is often called the savant thing being a savant is not all good...the brain growth aberration tend to come in pairs I think this is a blood circulation (brain food issue) as the veins split to feed different brain sections one pipe is too small and one too big so one brain section grows faster (more food) and one slower (less food).
My guess is Mothers with High blood pressure in early baby development are more prone to have a brain sector autistic baby also anything in the bloodstream that could damage growing baby blood vessel cells in baby embrio's could cause brain sector savant autism...genetic growth patterns could as well.
I am Classic autism with maybe double high low pairs, or more?, very High visual processing sector, and logic sector,
Low language text memory, Low audio and short term memory.
My Classic Autism extra cross brain connections give me also a strange sideways brain walking thing, almost like synesthesia?
My brain librarian fetches matching linked to things I didn't ask for, and I can feel my brain add things up Empathic Addition.
I hope this helps you some?
Classic Autism, (which I am mostly), is extra connections in the brain that were not culled (cut) during the early Teen years when the personality sets.
It is this culling of the brain that causes many teens to commit suicide as the brain changes are too much for them to handle at the time.
The shut down in Classic Autsim is not cause by lack of brain ability but Too Much connections between the brain sections allowing information to flow too fast from too many directions swamping the sensory processor.
Think a 8 bit computer wired with 32 bit buss lines...traffic jam central...this is why familiarity and reducing distractions in social situations help shut down any reduction of processing and needed annalyzing speed things up and reduce the traffic jam in the processor.
Autism actually makes you smarter in a sense in later years as buss line pathways and whatever get more and worn in (orderly) and the end result is you have a more power Brain computer than NTs.
Aspergers manifests the same social symptoms in social situations as Autism missing social cues and not being able to read faces...but it is real face blindness due to a poorly developed face reading brain sector...some people with it are so bad they basically can not see faces at all in a sense. With aspergers the face and social cue information is just lost...never seen...with autism shutdown it is not lost but stored as a repressed memory that can be seen latter usually the next day...and you get to feel the full humiliation of all the missed social cues from the day before...leading to depression.
So to summarize my view Classic Autism is too many wires between brain things...Apergers is a poor face reading processor in the face seeing brain section.
There are many low brain sector functioning, or excessively high brain sectors, combinations. These often get called (Autism) but really are not...they are just inner brain development aberrations, (this means brain sections in the baby grew at not normal rates.)
This is often called the savant thing being a savant is not all good...the brain growth aberration tend to come in pairs I think this is a blood circulation (brain food issue) as the veins split to feed different brain sections one pipe is too small and one too big so one brain section grows faster (more food) and one slower (less food).
My guess is Mothers with High blood pressure in early baby development are more prone to have a brain sector autistic baby also anything in the bloodstream that could damage growing baby blood vessel cells in baby embrio's could cause brain sector savant autism...genetic growth patterns could as well.
I am Classic autism with maybe double high low pairs, or more?, very High visual processing sector, and logic sector,
Low language text memory, Low audio and short term memory.
My Classic Autism extra cross brain connections give me also a strange sideways brain walking thing, almost like synesthesia?
My brain librarian fetches matching linked to things I didn't ask for, and I can feel my brain add things up Empathic Addition.

I hope this helps you some?

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