In terms of day to day activity, less now than I used to. I have realized in the last few years that the person taking my order for a burger isn't wondering why I don't cheese and really doesn't care, so I think that's a step in the right direction.
Conversation-wise, I will digress rather heavily if I can tell the other person is getting the wrong interpretation of what I am saying. I can't stand it when someone arbitrarily "decides" what I'm saying or doing and runs with it without clarification. Unfortunately, they usually get confused and tell me I don't make any sense.
Now, it's another thing if someone is actually trying to get me to explain myself. I'm all for it, if they'll actually listen and understand me (or at least try). But if they keep needing an explanation for everything, like they're trying to tell me I'm doing something wrong (ex-girlfriend did that "explain why you act like X" one to many times) then forget it. I showed them my hand, they know what they're dealing with. If they want to brow-beat me for it, I will either let them know they need to stop, or I can guarantee I can punch any number of holes in their own rational due to the sheer, illogical nature of their actions (and people really don't like it when you do that, so they tend to stop talking to me).