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Do you go places independently?

I usually go do things by myself though I have never traveled alone. One of the perks of living in a big city is that there's always people. And there's always other people doing things alone too.

Me too. For me, going it alone is simply the berries. I am as happy as a little pig in the mud when I and myself are off on a little expedition. I march to a different tune, a tune which no one else wants to hear. Still, I often think it would be a nice exception to travel or to explore with one or two other kindred spirits, the way the "normal" people do. Fate has dealt us some hard, strange cards, and, in this game, we have to play the cards we have been dealt. Fate is relentless, and, if there is a personal God, he is one hard guy.
I usually go do things by myself though I have never traveled alone. One of the perks of living in a big city is that there's always people. And there's always other people doing things alone too.

Me too. For me, going it alone is simply the berries. I am as happy as a little pig in the mud when I and myself are off on a little expedition. I march to a different tune, a tune which no one else wants to hear. Still, I often think it would be a nice exception to travel or to explore with one or two other kindred spirits, the way the "normal" people do. Fate has dealt us some hard, strange cards, and, in this game, we have to play the cards we have been dealt. Fate is relentless, and, if there is a personal God, he is one hard guy.
I must go to places myself, to take note of these things:

What is the route home
What are the important features of the building
Where can I get out from the building if I am freaked out

If I go out with others, I really feel kinda uncomfortable.
I usually prefer to go places alone. It lets me move at my own speed, make adjustments if neccessary if I don't like where I am, avoid conversation, and just absorb the world. One of the main sources of tension between my parents and myself is that I feel safe almost everywhere and they're worried I'll get stabbed or fall down a mine shaft (neither of which is a realistic concern in suburban Indiana) and insist I go with someone.
it depends on where i'm going. if i'm going someplace that i know i won't be spoken to, i'm fine going by myself. if it's a more social thing, then i prefer to have somebody else with me. it's a constant battle to get my mom to understand that and stop calling me a baby and telling me to grow up, when it's really just the fact that i prefer the support. but eh.
@ consultingrodent: Strange how the people doing the name-calling are the same ones telling people to grow up! The few places I go I prefer going to alone. That way there's little chance of getting delayed by someone else who suddenly remembers 6 other places she has to go to. Also, when I'm alone in the car, I can do a lot of thinking & figuring out of stuff. If I'm going somewhere for the 1st, time, I check Googlemaps very carefully AND use the GPS.
I can go anywhere, if I have a mind to go. It doesn't matter the distance. The distance is only limited by money's sake. I do get wanderlust. If it was lucky enough to be long distance I've loved the road trip no matter what direction or how far. Over 800 miles south, to New Orleans, or 1400 miles to southern Utah, Or Kentucky to go see the Corvettes, I'd love to go to Oregon or rural New York, or something... Have some real cool plant walk with some famous local herbalist. Yep, that'd have to be some ultimate luck. I'm daydreaming now. :D

All I need to do is look at the route on mapquest. Once I've got that memorized I won't get lost. It's like I've got gps implanted in my brain once I know the route.
I still avoid large groups of people. I purposefully avoid the commute times if I am traveling through a city in the morning, Or, even close to home grocery shopping I go early in the morning or late evening to avoid most of the people.
I am not a big fan of traveling but I have had to do it for years for my business. If I am on business then I prefer to travel alone because I don't have to converse with anyone or deal with other people's issues (luggage, pacing, etc.). I used to get really nervous about getting to my destination but now I always rent a GPS which takes a lot of the stress away. I also like to bring a few choice items with me as talismans. I also tend to stay in touch with my wife quite a bit so I can keep the feeling of normalcy. Lastly, I use my Android to look up web-sites that feed by obsessions (books) so no matter where I go I still have access to things which make me feel less alone.

It is still stressful but I have developed these coping strategies to help me get through it.
I've recently had times when I've headed up to the shops on my own. :)
Mainly I go through the self-service checkouts if there are any available.
Am still shy with checkout people and the occasional people in the mall who ask me if I would like to sign up for something.
The real major challenges for me are learning how to go to appointments on my own. At the moment, mum comes with me to those.
And when going out on my own, I take my phone so I can contact mum if there are any problems. :)
I rarely go with anyone that isn't required to go with me. Some situations require I take my bodyguard but,his job is to go along wherever I go a nd protect me. (And drive if I don't feel like driving or, if I decide to get drunk. :P ) That's still going independently in my book.

I don't like groups, I want to do my thing my way, in my time so, it's rare that I go with a group by choice.
I'm really lucky to have a kind and understanding partner who goes with me almost everywhere.

I find that going places alone requires a lot more energy and planning and guts, lol.

The exception is if I've been somewhere on my own before, it's much easier to go a second time.

I think that if I lived alone I wouldn't go out as much as I do now.
I do not go "out" alone, if I have some specific task I might have to but for the most part no. I don't do anything social or fun by myself.
I go most places alone, I find it much more relaxing being able to do what I want and move at my own pace. I've done a lot of solo travelling, from regular week long beach/tourist holidays around Europe to backpacking in South Africa and New Zealand. I always enjoy holidays far more by myself.

The only things I don't like doing solo are going 'out-out' (i.e. dancing at a club), going to the cinema, and going out for 'nice' meals (i.e. at a proper restaurant rather than a cafe of fast food type place), as I feel self concious sitting by myself surrounded by couples/groups of friends. There is also the danger I encountered the last time I stayed at a fancy hotel, of people taking pity on 'that poor person all alone' and trying to adopt you into their group. I find that in less fancy places other customers are more likely to leave you in peace.
I go to stores independently when I want to shop faster than my mom (shots fired!), and for Ingress, I pretty much have to be on my own sometimes. I go to LOCAL raves alone but not out of town ones because no one can seem to stay consistent with me. It sucks. I try to go to the store with my mom so I at least have some social interaction but then I remember what I needed to get done that day when it turns into going to like 5 stores and then I start to freak out. lol
I've noticed with some people on the spectrum actually don't go independently as I have noticed when I walk into the college and see a group of people coming off the minibus just to get to college and it made me wonder if your the same?

I go places independently everywhere, just in some places, I rather go with somebody.

Anyone else go places independently?
When I'm able I go to places independently and prefer to do so. Though, most of my life I have voluntarily and strictly limited the places I go. Limiting sensory overload is how I have to navigate this world.
I have always been very independent and do things alone a lot. I have worked alone for many years and I think that is the secret to my success. When I was younger, I used to recreate a lot by myself. My wife is not into outdoor activities like I am, so I used to go fishing and riding alone. These days I do not go out in the back country by myself because of my age and health. When I go out in public it is always with my wife. I try to avoid crowds, but my wife is very comfortable in crowded situations. So we are not always by ourselves, I just follow her lead.
I go places independently everywhere, just in some places, I rather go with somebody.

Absolutely! I spent 7 years in Saudi Arabia and a year in Beirut, Lebanon. While living abroad, I traveled the world. Despite my reclusive tendencies, I have lived in 3 additional foreign countries and have traveled extensively throughout Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and both Central and South America. As an American I am also quite familiar with the United States and have visited (or at least driven through) nearly every state including Alaska, Hawaii, and a U.S. territory, Puerto Rico.

Since I do not feel the need for companionship and eschew blatant tourism having no fondness for bus tours, I have typically asked the concierge of my hotel for an English speaking guide and voila, I have soon had access to someone who could take me to all of the popular tourist destinations as well as many places favored by the locals.

Since I am a chef instructor, I have used private guides in dozens of countries to take me to restaurants that are popular within the local community. I've had haggis at a pub in Edinburgh and have enjoyed dim sum in Singapore. I've had mouth searing pad-thai and crispy coconut-banana fritters at a roadside stall on the outskirts of Bangkok and have enjoyed a lamb curry with lentil dahl that was served by a majordomo (butler) on a handcarved teak houseboat on Lake Kashmir in India.

In addition to my culinary tours, I have also pursued an interest in history and have visited such places as the ruins at Petra (Jordan), the medieval section of York, the Parthenon in Athens, the Louvre in Paris, the excavations at Pompeii, and the pre-Columbian Mayan ruins of Tazumal.

Sadly, my days of travel and adventure are over. I now share a home with three cats who are quite reproachful if I overnight in Vegas and cause them to miss their breakfast of canned moist yummies. I can only imagine how annoyed they'd be if I were to travel abroad for a couple of weeks ... and to be fair, everything I want or need is in my home or at work ... except for perhaps Bob (the "bobcat" - so named because he has a bobtail). In recent days, Bob has taken to screaming for his breakfast at 4 AM.

Would anyone like an aging cat?


Here is a picture of Bob.

Caption 13.webp
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I go to movies by myself. To me, it's simply pragmatic. I don't have anyone to go with and I want to see the movie so I just go. Some might call it sad, I could honestly care less.
>Do I go out independently


>Do I go to unfamiliar places alone

Depends if I'm adventurous or can be bothered

Most of the time I like getting away from the house because when I'm out in public, I know nobody and nobody knows me. I can truly feel alone, even if it's in a city center. And I love it.

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