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Do you like driving?

Do you have your license? If so, do you like driving?

I got my license when I was sixteen, but I've hardly driven since turning 18. I despise cars for a host of reasons, a couple being that they mess up the environment and kill a high amount of people in extremely inhumane ways.

Driving is very stressful for me and I don't enjoy any minute of my time spent behind the wheel. I know some people love driving, and that's fine, but I view cars as being what they are: A means of transportation which allow us to travel to our destination.

In my ideal world humans would be able to warp to their destination.
I Love Driving! Especially if I am in this. It is a time for both relaxation and concentration. I can spend all day on the road and I am just peaceful. I also love all of the things I see and people I meet as I travel around. NOTE: Possibly coming to a town near you this summer.


  • Camper Bus.jpg
    Camper Bus.jpg
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I love driving ... I have car and a motorcycle ... I use the car only when its too cold to ride the motorcycle. I can honestly say that the car somehow saved my life ... It gave me that freedom to go out and explore and discover the world ... I traveled across Canada and went to several places in USA. Its more and more expensive to own motorized vehicles, but I'm not ready yet to abandon them ... But I can see in a not so far future, +- 10 years, that I'll get rid of my car and only keep my motorcycle. So 4 months a year I'd have to use the public transportation ... not too too bad.


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I love driving ... I have car and a motorcycle ... I use the car only when its too cold to ride the motorcycle. I can honestly say that the car somehow saved my life ... It gave me that freedom to go out and explore and discover the world ... I traveled across Canada and went to several places in USA. Its more and more expensive to own motorized vehicles, but I'm not ready yet to abandon them ... But I can see in a not so far future, +- 10 years, that I'll get rid of my car and only keep my motorcycle. So 4 months a year I'd have to use the public transportation ... not too too bad.



I would love to be able to drive around the US! There is so much space and so many different things to see and do. I guess in the UK it's much more restricted, due to being on an island as well as significantly higher fuel costs.

I prefer not to drive, since having someone drive into the back of me last year and injure my boyfriend is something I'd never want to go through again! Though I am very good at driving when I have to. I've driven to so many places I wouldn't have otherwise been able to go to.
Good to see another biker here!!!
View attachment 8422
Really, I don't look that rough in real life. I posed for the image. That's my bike, though: Harley Davidson XLH-883, Screaming Eagle Stage 1, and $3500 worth of Kuryakyn chrome.

Very nice motorcycle. :) ... just ... don't ride it in the rain. ;) ... that must be so much work to keep it shiny. :)
I don't have a motorcycle license and I've never driven one, but I like the idea of them.

I have been having some minor trouble driving lately, mostly because I can get so distracted. There are so many things going on to look at and hear, then think about. I have gotten in trouble in the past year for a couple of stupid mistakes, like noticing a stopsign too late or hitting vehicles when they slam on their brakes... it freaks me out that I don't have control when these types of things happen so I have been making sure lately that I am 100% paying attention to driving, even if it means I have to repeat "you're driving, you're driving, you're driving" out loud or in my head.

Other than that, I really enjoy driving (so long as there is not a lot of traffic and it is not at night or raining -- I like summertime sunday afternoon drives in the country, not 5pm Wednesday St. Louis driving). I like the feeling of control I have when behind the wheel (when I'm lucid, that is. lol).
I love driving, but I'm only 16 and learning so I still suck at it. I don't know if I'm going to actually drive in traffic until I'm an adult because teenage insurance is ridiculously expensive!
I really love driving. When finances allow, I like to take back roads down to Huntsville or the like, just to be able to relax and listen to some podcasts and cruise along. I wish I still owned a standard transmission...it makes it so much more enjoyable. Even when it's a slightly more stressful drive, like on the freeway to and from a major city, it's a welcome distraction from my own troubles.
I do. I don't own a car so I rent one for road trips. I love doing long drives and speeding. But after my ticket I won't be speeding for a while.
I got my license at 16 and still love to drive at 70. I am tense while driving in terrible conditions, but I was taught by a truck driver and have enough confidence to go anywhere. I have driven alone from NY to the west coast through the northern states and returned through the southern states, I was talking to myself by the time I got home. I have driven in all of the lower 48, Mexico and Canada. When I had kids and was divorced I bought a camper and a boat and we did all the stuff parents and boys should do. I never liked to drive my mother but have never disliked driving anyone else. I always prefer to drive rather than be a passenger. I like to travel alone and that is part of my Aspieness. No strangers sitting next to me as in a bus, train or plane. I have always chosen sensible cars that get really good mileage and bought my first automatic in 40 years about 8 years ago only because of some arthritis. I lack confidence in so many things, but believe I drive better than most other people on the road. I don't allow myself any road rage. I always have a dog, crated in the back in the cargo area, and that is the best possible company I can find. If I were younger I would like to drive to Alaska. I live up past Syracuse, NY and will drive to Ct, past Hartford tomorrow, to pick up an newly adopted dog. My last copilot died a month ago and I don't choose to live without a dog. Please remember, driving is a privilege and not a right. Be safe!
If it has wheels on it,count me in :p

Would it be too much to ask for half the racing money back? :D
Wouldn't that be nice! Back in the 90's, both of my sons raced motocross. Of course Dad paid for it. I spent a lot of money, but it wasn't bad compared what the car guys spent. If you can pull that off, you will be a wealthy man.
I sponsored a boy's 125 class Honda a few years back as his tuner.
We spent cubic dollars keeping it on the circuit. ;)
I feel for ya...
I love driving. I traded in my manual, 2 yr old BRZ in May. Missing it. Sadly, I needed something more practical for a while.

I do not really care for other drivers, I will say. They seem to lean and hover with their cars as if using body language with their car as a prosthetic extension of their body. And they fail to signal.

If I were to get a special, magical wish granted, it might be to have all the roads of Manhattan empty and be able to drive my previously owned BRZ (or a wrx or suitable substitute...) all over the city for 24 hours, tearing up and down the streets, up the highways along the rivers. Or Boston. That would actually be a possibly more fun city to have to myself. People say Boston roads are impossible to remember, but if you have a good sense of smell, you can crack open the car windows and tell where you are by ocean/river/highway smells, direction of sun and if you just have a few landmarks. It is a sensory intuit's dream of a city to drive.
I do have a license, and I do drive, but I don't particularly care for it. The reason is when I was little and didn't sleep, I still don't sleep very much, my mom would either have to drive me around or push me in the stroller to get me to go to sleep. So, my body now associates the motion of a car with sleep.whenever I'm behind the wheel I start to get tired and sleepy. If I'm not driving I'm usually asleep within five minutes. that makes driving feel of it dangerous to me.
Love driving my pickup truck in the country, but I hate driving in the city/traffic. Also, the cost of gasoline sucks. Still, I drive a lot for work, and I listen to audiobooks. I listened to all currently available books in A Song of Ice and Fire while driving, which took some hours to do.
I drive well, but I really can't say I like to drive. I don't mind it too much usually, but sometimes I find it stressful. For instance, in my area of the city, I'm always worried about running over a cat or a small dog because everyone just lets their pets roam wild and don't spay/neuter them so they'll stay home.

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