Feathered Jester
I have a license, but it's a love/hate thing with driving. I have a short temper for tailgaters wanting to drive 15 over and people who suddenly pull out in front of me, which makes things difficult where I live. I'm alright with watching multiple directions, the main road where I live has four lanes of traffic and constant turn lanes, so you have to watch about five directions at once. It's not so bad. Except that when anybody pulls onto the road they feel their car will explode if they don't cut across all the way to the opposite lane, regardless of what lane they're supposed to be in. I had to pass in a turn lane once to keep from having a wreck when somebody pulled in front of me and the adjacent lane was full. Also was run off the road up here a few years ago.
My home area out in the country was a bit better. Most people there also drive 15+ mph over the speed limit. The dangerous part though is the idiots from Birmingham who want to get into their body suits with the shiny stickers in droves of 20 to hog the road and generally tempt death. If you need a bike to get around, fine by me, I'll be very careful. If you want to "enjoy the scenery" with your fleet of buddies and make everybody late for work or emergencies, go to a bike trail!
My home area out in the country was a bit better. Most people there also drive 15+ mph over the speed limit. The dangerous part though is the idiots from Birmingham who want to get into their body suits with the shiny stickers in droves of 20 to hog the road and generally tempt death. If you need a bike to get around, fine by me, I'll be very careful. If you want to "enjoy the scenery" with your fleet of buddies and make everybody late for work or emergencies, go to a bike trail!