It would depend on it's level of existence.
If it were biologically and physically much like us, it would probably be difficult even then.
That's the problem I would see for any alien life form as most think of when they think Alien.
Humanoid form. Just different looking.
It's highly doubtful they would be from an existence that was like Earth's. Odds are against it.
So their being would not match with the planet. Air, temp, food, everything our bodies are
built for.
If they were interdimensional and not of the molecular structure that we think of as humanoid,
then yes. They would not need what we need to survive. That type of being is self contained.
Many believe Angels visit us. They don't need what our physical body needs.
They would be of a different energy. Something along that line.
As to why would they want to visit?
Same as us. Curiousity.
Why do we want to visit Mars? Same reason.
If it were biologically and physically much like us, it would probably be difficult even then.
That's the problem I would see for any alien life form as most think of when they think Alien.
Humanoid form. Just different looking.
It's highly doubtful they would be from an existence that was like Earth's. Odds are against it.
So their being would not match with the planet. Air, temp, food, everything our bodies are
built for.
If they were interdimensional and not of the molecular structure that we think of as humanoid,
then yes. They would not need what we need to survive. That type of being is self contained.
Many believe Angels visit us. They don't need what our physical body needs.
They would be of a different energy. Something along that line.
As to why would they want to visit?
Same as us. Curiousity.
Why do we want to visit Mars? Same reason.