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do you think autism is genetic?

I never said they weren't diagnosed with something. They had a diagnosis - it just wasn't Autism, when it should have been but it wasn't because they didn't fit Kanner's criteria. Does that make it clearer? The query about meeting an ASD3 is irrelevant here for this reason.

Co-morbids are not Autism. They are called co-morbid for a reason - they need to be treated separate to Autism, not as part of it.
Co-morbids are not Autism. They are called co-morbid for a reason - they need to be treated separate to Autism, not as part of it.
They are not autism to you & me, but they are to those who are incompetent about autism. They are wrongly calling severe co-morbids autism. No one is in special education who has autism without severe co-morbids, a.k.a. ASD1. The defining distinction between "short-bus" & "long-bus" autism is the presence or absence of said severe co-morbids.

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