Christian T
Well-Known Member
Re: Do you think in pictures or words?
Yes, I predominantly think in words.
Yes, I predominantly think in words.
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Do you think you can explain this more? How do you think in words without hearing or seeing them? How do you dissociate thinking from the 5 senses?Yes, I predominantly think in words.
Same here. Faces are too personal. I kind of feel sad once I've seen the movie to a book and realize I can't get rid of the new images (faces)!When I read a book I can visualise everything in my head, the scene, the person etc like watching a movie but they never have faces, it's just a blank spot
Do you think you can explain this more? How do you think in words without hearing or seeing them? How do you dissociate thinking from the 5 senses?
Ah, well I suppose you've got me there. Out of words or pictures, I think more in words, but I suppose the bulk of my thinking is done in concepts - mental sensations that can't always reach for the right words. I'm sorry if it feels like I keep contradicting myself, but it is very challenging for me to explain. Whenever I think in words, I will often hear it and see it in my mind, now that I consider it more carefully. Sight and hearing - in terms of words - occur mentally for me, but smell exists outside of my mind, like touch, and is more physical. I can visualise things and replay other types of sounds in my head, but I don't do this nearly as often as I mentally see and hear words - except with music, because I frequently play that in my head.
Does that make sense? :S
My thoughts come together as a whole concept. Like an intricate spider web, and it's very difficult to unravel it and put it into words so others can understand exactly what I mean.
Thinking in words would have to be very linear, one word at a time, one sentence at a time.
I see what you mean Christian. Language can be rich and poetic and beautiful, and thinking in such language concepts could be amazing.As a linguistic thinker myself, I must say that words can actually be just as richly evocative and multi-faceted as images. Many words are layered with varying connotations, and there are subtle changes evoked by the phrasing of certain sentences. The implications of different phrases and word choices is often very subjective and open for discussion. Words definitely have their own exciting artistry.
So, are you saying that you see movies in your mind, or what?Sometimes I think in pictures.