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Do you think in pictures?

Do you think in pictures or words?

  • I think in Words!

    Votes: 40 19.0%
  • I think in Pictures!

    Votes: 146 69.5%
  • I have no idea what you mean! (This means you should post a reply to the thread)

    Votes: 24 11.4%

  • Total voters
I have a calendar in my head that I can see! I use it everyday when I think about something I have to do on Monday, etc..
Sometimes I think in pictures, sonetimes words, though usually in feelings, like abstract concepts or something, a lot of the time my mind is just clear except for the feeling. It's not really intuition, because I'm usually pretty logical and like to think things though. It's kind of strange really. Perhaps because I'm bilingual? Don't know really...
I think in pictures, but on those "frain bog" (fog brain) days... everything is out of focus, so I revert back to not thinking I suppose...

Or I use my feelings and emotions and that turns into train wreck number 2
Today its cloudy in there, with a 75% chance of shear determination : )
Yes, loads of images, still and in video, of some construct that I've filed and connected with others, or of memories and dreams, etc. Sometimes I can count on a (limited) photographic memory, if I have an impression of some kind that I filed in the moment of looking at it, like when I wanted to remember something written on the blackboard in school or in a textbook.

Also, I can retrieve many images from memory that have other senses attached to them, besides sight.

I don't have to do much to access these; it just happens and quickly.

I have a good sense of space from memory as well. I can walk into floor plans and know how much space there is or if more is needed. I use the numbers and configure furniture and everything.

And if I'm ever talking to myself, it is usually if others are around or other distractions, but I'm still thinking in pictures because the talking is me trying to hold the thought in my mind (which is a picture, or pictures). For words and numbers, I see them as pictures of words and numbers and with associative images.

It's crazy to think about how quickly this all happens, at the best of times. At the worst of times, like with brain fog, the images are uncontrollable, unprocessable, and sometimes inaccessible, like either overload or a feeling of numbness. (I get migraines.)
Yes, I always have thought in pictures, but not sounds, touch, or smells. I have supremely acute awareness of those though. Trying to process spoken words slows or shuts down my brain. For the life of me, I cannot process words that are ever being sung. Spoken rap or poetry is a complete mystery to me. Someone speaking directions....even simple ones.... is a complete fiasco.
I'm not sure!

I don't know if I think in pictures or words....

I can think in words if I want... Im not... Sure, but I'm not sure if I think in pictures or not, either...

Maybe??? Argh! Help!
Yes, I do think in pictures, but also words, because I need to communicate verbally with other people.
If I am thinking about a concept like justice I see an image of a stern looking king from ancient Greece, godlike with a beard and sitting on a throne.

Using your example, I think of justice in terms of related concepts and how they might fit together, much like an exploded view (example posted below). So when I think of justice, I think of other concepts like culture, economics, history, geography, psychology, and politics and how they relate to each other. If there is a problem with one of these concepts, or if something doesn't quite "fit", or if I find an anomaly of some sort no matter how minor, I focus pretty intensely on it.

Anything considered a "black box" will be something I will be unable to resist taking apart to study. I really have to work hard to reign it in sometimes.

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I think in pictures, and short video clips... especially Looney Tunes, haha. And, if I've never seen a word spelled correctly, I have trouble spelling it.
Here's a little off topic video that describes me...


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