Two things:
First, if you want to connect with others for those reasons, post about this in the "obsessions and interests" section. Dont derail already-existing topics... it just confuses everyone and makes them all irritable. But feel free to create topics about whatever. Chances are you'll find others that are ready to discuss it. Though, I do suggest keeping the posts at least somewhat shorter.
Second though... dont "unload with both barrels", as you put it. There's no call for that. All you're doing is adding fuel to a destructive fire that would have just burned out on it's own. By doing that, you make it bigger, and it wont accomplish a bloody thing, except catching on nearby objects and starting even more, bigger fires. Something I learned from dealing with a bazillion bullies IRL: There's never a good reason to sink to their level. They're being insulting jerks? Well, tough. They're not going to get any stupid arguements or spectacles out of me, that's exactly what they want, so... they aint getting it. And I'm not going to act the way they do. That sort of thinking, it applies to stuff like this. A fight cannot take place with only one participant.
But it's not just that though. Keep in mind just where you are. On this forum, ALOT of us have social issues. And not small issues, either... usually big ones that cause alot of frustration to everyone involved. ALOT of us... myself included... can often get into situations where someone ends up insulted, but not only was it NOT on purpose, but we dont even necessarily understand what went wrong. That's pretty frequent when dealing with those that have any form of autism. Obviously it's not a universal trait, but... it is pretty common. That's the OTHER reason not to try to "teach someone a lesson", so to speak, based on something said to you. You'll have to accept that some interactions in this place are going to be... awkward at best, irritating or even infuriating at worst, yet it's rarely ever intentional. Best keep your temper in check while dealing with this place.
I say all of this as someone who has a *very* short fuse, so... I can understand where anger and frustration might come from here. But as a rule, it isnt truly warranted.
Welcome to the forums, by the way.