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Do you watch or download Porn online?

Do you watch or download Porn?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 44.6%
  • Bi

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • What's Porn?

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 9.2%
  • No

    Votes: 26 40.0%

  • Total voters
So child porn isn't creepy or gross?

Oh wait, it's worse than either of those things. It's sick and evil.
You didn't think that through really.

"child porn" isn't porn, its abuse.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but when it comes to trying to equate child abuse with porn to make your point, THAT is gross, and an uncalled for and unfounded swipe at the porn user community, lumping us in with paedophiles because we like to watch CONSENTING ADULTS act out our sexual fantasies...
Is fetish viewing (woman's feet, shoes etc no full frontal nudity) consider porn? Hope not as I view sometimes.
Ummm this is a disgusting thread. Just saying.

No, it isnt.

What's disgusting is how our idiot society takes a NORMAL BIOLOGICAL FUNCTION and attaches all sorts of pointless shame and embarrassment to it. Makes it taboo for no bloody reason... despite, again, it's a natural thing and a base instinct.

And honestly I strongly suspect the REAL reason why people do that is so that it can make them feel superior to others. Like "that person is into THAT? They watch PORN? Feh, well I'm much better and wouldnt stoop to that level". That sort of thinking. People will do anything to get a mood/confidence boost... it's a huge part of why bullies act the way they do, for instance.

Overall though... Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Not to mention highly illogical.

As a disclaimer: Yes, there are things that would be objectively bad. For instance if someone's idea of "porn" was a video of some jerk taking a live squirrel and jamming it into a blender, that would be horrible. Objectively wrong and surely illegal.

But when it comes to legal stuff that isnt hurting anyone... really, it's freaking silly to bash anyone for it.
ac75 civil.webp
I do watch it both online and locally (1462 items, 90.4 GiB)

I find it interesting.
I probably would release stuff myself on the Internet, if I didn't have a lot of personal issues at the moment.
I'm new here how to I unsubscribe to this thread post alert? Never wanted to follow here.

Near the top of the page on the right you should see a small ‘unwatch thread’ click that then confirm and you’re done. Every time you comment on a thread you are subscribed to that thread unless you unwatch, hope that helps. (That’s how it works on my phone I presume it’s the same on a computer)
I am a middle aged parent. Leave these kids alone and make this place safe for everyone.


Instead of trying to police a site you dont own or control simply because you're a parent, leave it to the site's creators to decide on, and enforce, the rules. That's THEIR job... not yours. If you have a problem with those rules, or perhaps suggestions for changes, send them direct feedback via appropriate channels.

If you're worried about your kids... TEACH them about proper internet usage, rather than trying to control something that cannot be controlled. That's easily the #1 lesson that I really, REALLY wish I could get more parents to understand. Trying to tame the internet is like trying to get a herd of tornadoes to sit down and behave themselves without destroying anything. It aint happening, and chances are, attempting to do that will only make those tornadoes act up even more.

This place isnt a kids-only site, anyway. It's an all-ages place, with all of the connotations that go with that. I wager this is MOSTLY populated by adults, actually, come to think of it.... If you're after a kids-only sort of experience, there ARE probably autism-specific communities out there that are specifically for individuals below a certain age. I have no idea what specifically they might be though, but they're almost definitely out there.

Anyway, I aint saying any of that to be mean. What I'd hope is that it gets you thinking a bit, that's all. Or anyone else that happens to read this... rarely are my posts only meant for one specific individual. Of course, whether anyone actually does take any of it to heart isnt really my concern. But there it is anyway.

There's no need to respond, either... I've made my points and have no particular desire to keep going with it past that point, and so I shall not do so. There's only so much to say about any one topic, even for someone as rambly as myself.

And with that, I bid you a good day.
What's up with Rich? I haven't seen any postings from him in a long time. I hope he is well and not struggling with any issues or problems.
I am nervous to admit but yes, before any older people start freaking out on this thread who are 30 or over, its people like you who scare away kids on this site from admitting their real thoughts about this topic and freaking out when some teenager stumbles upon such content.

I did it since I was 11...

Overall, you shouldn't be ashamed of it regardless your age, I myself have OCD and often have it as a routine because I often feel the need to repeat it, I am saying this answer to be very honest, its a natural part of your puberty.

I am happy to bring out my true thoughts than hold them in, teenagers are gonna be teenagers, they will discover stuff like this as their hormones rage and I do not necessarily see such an activity as wrong.
I am nervous to admit but yes, before any older people start freaking out on this thread who are 30 or over, its people like you who scare away kids on this site from admitting their real thoughts about this topic and freaking out when some teenager stumbles upon such content.

I did it since I was 11...

Overall, you shouldn't be ashamed of it regardless your age, I myself have OCD and often have it as a routine because I often feel the need to repeat it, I am saying this answer to be very honest, its a natural part of your puberty.

I am happy to bring out my true thoughts than hold them in, teenagers are gonna be teenagers, they will discover stuff like this as their hormones rage and I do not necessarily see such an activity as wrong.
That's pretty close to when I first encountered porn.
Wasn't very interested it it at the time, I figured out the appeal in a year or so.
While I like porn, I like erotic novels more - Like how most books are better than the movie based of the book, It's hard to beat one's imagination.

As for saying someone is pathetic for watching porn you might as well say anyone who enjoys sports is pathetic because they can't participate in warfare after all most sports are simulated war.
because we like to watch CONSENTING ADULTS act out our sexual fantasies...

I’ve never liked the term “consenting adults.” It’s much more complicated than that. I’ve heard many stories of girls who have done porn and later (often years later) felt intense violation and humiliation rip through them. (I’m sure this is true for many men who do porn as well.) Doing something potentially damaging to a woman merely because she is letting you do it doesn’t make it right, nor is it truly consent. If you suspect for one second that what you’re doing (or watching someone else do, in the case of porn) may cause damage to the person, you shouldn’t do/watch it, whether or not they consented. A lot of very damaged girls get into porn, and by watching it and making excuses for it, you’re ultimately just contributing to their pain. Lots of sex trafficking in the porn industry, too.
I’ve never liked the term “consenting adults.” It’s much more complicated than that. I’ve heard many stories of girls who have done porn and later (often years later) felt intense violation and humiliation rip through them. (I’m sure this is true for many men who do porn as well.) Doing something potentially damaging to a woman merely because she is letting you do it doesn’t make it right, nor is it truly consent. If you suspect for one second that what you’re doing (or watching someone else do, in the case of porn) may cause damage to the person, you shouldn’t do/watch it, whether or not they consented. A lot of very damaged girls get into porn, and by watching it and making excuses for it, you’re ultimately just contributing to their pain. Lots of sex trafficking in the porn industry, too.

So If I sign a contract... Say a loan... ELEVENTY BILLION DOLLARS!... and say I regret it and I didn't want it, But I signed it anyway and spent the money, I shouldn't have to pay it back?

Hindsight is 20/20 get real.
So If I sign a contract... Say a loan... ELEVENTY BILLION DOLLARS!... and say I regret it and I didn't want it, But I signed it anyway and spent the money, I shouldn't have to pay it back?

Hindsight is 20/20 get real.

If that happened to you, I would question why you did something so harmful to yourself (clearly such behavior would indicate mental illness or instability of some kind), and I would absolutely blame the lender for taking advantage of you even though he knew you would be harmed by his predatory actions.

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