I am a middle aged parent. Leave these kids alone and make this place safe for everyone.
Instead of trying to police a site you dont own or control simply because you're a parent, leave it to the site's creators to decide on, and enforce, the rules. That's THEIR job... not yours. If you have a problem with those rules, or perhaps suggestions for changes, send them direct feedback via appropriate channels.
If you're worried about your kids... TEACH them about proper internet usage, rather than trying to control something that cannot be controlled. That's easily the #1 lesson that I really, REALLY wish I could get more parents to understand. Trying to tame the internet is like trying to get a herd of tornadoes to sit down and behave themselves without destroying anything. It aint happening, and chances are, attempting to do that will only make those tornadoes act up even more.
This place isnt a kids-only site, anyway. It's an all-ages place, with all of the connotations that go with that. I wager this is MOSTLY populated by adults, actually, come to think of it.... If you're after a kids-only sort of experience, there ARE probably autism-specific communities out there that are specifically for individuals below a certain age. I have no idea what specifically they might be though, but they're almost definitely out there.
Anyway, I aint saying any of that to be mean. What I'd hope is that it gets you thinking a bit, that's all. Or anyone else that happens to read this... rarely are my posts only meant for one specific individual. Of course, whether anyone actually does take any of it to heart isnt really my concern. But there it is anyway.
There's no need to respond, either... I've made my points and have no particular desire to keep going with it past that point, and so I shall not do so. There's only so much to say about any one topic, even for someone as rambly as myself.
And with that, I bid you a good day.