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Does anyone else feel like they should just not be on Facebook?

I joined, actually to help my sister out. Her eldest daughter was on facebook ( still is) and my sister did not have social media and therefore, had no control and I felt, because I did, I should at least, try and therefore, because of being indoctrinated by the media, I decided to join, but under the disguise of a teen and befriend her and that way, could "keep an eye" on her, but lol my math is so bad, that I got the wrong dating and was banned from using facebook, under this disquise.

Then, I discovered that some from my faith were on there, which really did surprise me, since what I had as feedback and so, I chose to join under my own name and soon came to see that it is what you make of it. The social network itself is not the issue; it is the people who are the issue.

My page is very spiritual. No swearing or other crude words and all females.

I post the occasional spiritual ponderings and cooking endeavours and my cross stitch projects.

I did get obsessed with facebook and it did take a lot of my time, but now, it is in its place.

It was through facebook, that I discovered that I only need one good friend. I do get the occasional friend request and delete them, because I have about 10 and do not wish for more.

No communication with family, so no need to worry there and I have always bounced off from how others are, because I flounder on what is "appropriate to say" and what is not.

Being on social media for 15 year's and will not be coming off, unless no choice.
I have Facebook, but I don't post anything on it except for the occasional video clip. I have it so that family and friends/acquaintances who don't have my email have a means to contact me. I belong to a private prog rock group and I post on there quite a lot, but still very much a fringe member. I rarely interact on people's profile pages. I'm a private person and prefer to keep myself to myself, so I don't have many personal details or post anything personal about my life. I don't use it the way most people use it, but people can choose how they want to use it, what information to divulge, etc, there is not obligation to interact or post anything. I've also blocked annoying and irrelevant features such as ads, suggestions, 'buy and sell' groups and stuff like that, so it is less cluttered and I have control over it.

I hate it when people tag me in photos or images, or when people post stuff on my profile page - it's too much like forced social interation for my taste. It's one reason why I don't like people taking photos of me - because I don't want a photo of me tagged for everyone to see, I want my privacy.

Facebook is full of selfies, silly memes that I don't get. what I had for dinner, which pub I went to and with whom, and cute animal pictures an other trivia - ugh! Nothing wrong with animals, it's just that Facebook is beyond the point of saturation and they may be cute but beyond that they aren't that interesting.
I don't use Facebook, but I have an account. For some reason it really affects me when I see someone deleted his account, because it is often the only contact I had...but I get why one would want to delete )I just don't go there as often anymore and hardly post anything)
I've actually deleted my account at least twice before now, but always gone back.

Social media in general is massively overrated IMO, some people live their lives literally by their Facebook account, if I ever get that way you have my full permission to shoot me :D
I shouldn't use it but do to keep in touch with a couple people. Have tweaked it to make it less destructive. (Eliminated the news feed. Heavily filtered standard homepage feed and when stupid trends arise completely disable all feeds.)
I have Facebook.
A relative of mine set up the account for me.
That relative has since unfriended me.

I don't get the excitement about Facebook, why
people go on and on about the tumult there.
The group of people you see are the ones you have
"Friended", right?

And maybe some of their "Friends"?

I have some acquaintances and some cousins.
No extended group of "ooooh I'll friend this total
stranger cos they had that cute meme etc..."

So it's just not a big deal.
I see when the cousin's dog had puppies (often).
I see that couple is going to a movie (again).
I see the girl I went to high school is doing....something or other.

There is just not much social angst going on.
Not in the batch of people I have allowed to remain
as my Facebook "friends."

I post something maybe as often as once a month.

Friend on Facebook is sort of like Follow on AC.
Unfriending can range from just not being on someone's Friend list,
and seeing all their posts....to being Blocked.
Depends on how the person manages their privacy settings.
I have an account just so I can see others' postings but I never post anything on it. I have no need or desire to "socially interact" in that manner. My autistic sister-in-law has alienated virtually everyone in her life by her thoughtless postings and her love of forwarding others' computer virus contaminated FB political rants to people like me who totally disagree with her politics. I don't want to see what the NRA or Republican Nazi sympathizers or Donald Trump or Russian bots post online. Facebook reminds me of something my mother used to say: fools' names and fools' faces are often seen in public places.
Geeky humor...Holy Grail maybe? Life of Brian? Have you ever had to sit through an NT joke? I'm sure you have. You have to FAKE laughter. I don't do it sometimes. Then they want to tell you MORE jokes. Sometimes it can be a game: Ok I get it, I'm stuck here now. Let's see if you can tell a joke and make me laugh.
HAHA! An NT joke. I never thought of that. But wow-----true!
I've permanently deleted my account. I don't think I can handle stuff like Facebook or Reddit. It grabs onto the part of my brain that like to consume information without actually giving it information and the arguments on there rope me in way too easily. If I get into it I get completely absorbed in an argument or series of upsetting comments.

Before I know it my thoughts are racing and it doesn't feel like I have control of my brain anymore. No Facebook and very limited Reddit with self imposed breaks. I don't think that aspect of my mental health is strong enough to handle it.
I still have an account that I hardly use anymore. Logging in every once in a while and seeing what people are up to mostly, and I'll probably repost/share a thing or two that catches my interest or (rarely) post something original, but that's about it.

That's what most people are doing anyways when they're not cramming their profiles with pics, just sharing or reposting content. Besides the pics, not missing out on too much :)
I deleted (well, I believe it's referred to unpublished if it is permanent) my Facebook account two years ago and am very happy to have done so. It was disturbing to even see political post that I agreed with. One friend is a musician and I liked to keep up with what he was up to so I wanted to keep him in my feed. That meant being greeted in the morning with yet another Black person being shot by a cop. I get it, I know why he posted, and agree completely but it was so horrible a thing to see. I still can't get one of the videos out of my head.

And then there were the people who no matter what you post, no matter how positive and innocent, they want to argue. You post it, a friend "likes" it, then one of their friends see it and then a fight happens. Ah!

And then the memes. I remember one a male "friend" posted that was so insulting because it was saying women like me aren't feminist because we say we are more "one of the guys". I blocked him.

And then I mentioned the horrors of fireworks only to be mocked by a "friend". Someone who we had even bought a baby gift for.

Do not miss anything about it except seeing one actual friends pictures and, like others have said, art and music stuff. Oh, and posting pictures of veggies.
As I have said before, I think that Facebook is a breeding ground for misinformation and bad feelings. I see people around me that are upset about something they read on Facebook. Usually something about them. Why would anyone want to be involved in something like that? So yes, I do feel like I should not be on Facebook and I am not on Facebook.
I guess I've been lucky not to have had any really negative experiences with FB. But then I only friend a few people so I can kind of keep up with them. I just delete any annoying posts and I don't post all that much- mostly funny animal videos, occasionally some political stuff, rarely an update on my status. I like having the chat option which I do use. But you can also chat on Discord and Steam too.

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