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Does anyone here think they're more self-sufficient than most NTs?

Generally we can be self-sufficient to a point. There are things many of us depend on others for, such as electricity generation, mail delivery, food product availabilty, and general infrastructure., for starts.
I'm reasonably self-sufficient, but I have had to be. I was a lazy galoot of a teenager, until I got my first car. It was an early '70's Ford import, and things were breaking and falling off from the start! There was a choice to make- stay a lazy galoot and not have a driveable car, or start fixing these things myself because what money I had went to feeding my horse.
That started me on a journey on fixing electronics, A/C units, hydraulics, houses, barns, fences, map reading/traveling, you get the idea. If I had pros do all this stuff, I'd be deep in debt.
Not an expert on anything. But it gets done to my satisfaction. And that's a powerful feeling.

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