Well-Known Member
I agree, it is increasingly difficult to find people with empathy or who are not judgmental or prejudice.It seems to me that the human population at large is void of empathy. I even feel that most people don’t even understand the definition, because they can’t imagine what the feeling of empathy would be. While they can recite the definition, I don’t believe they can actually imagine it. Actually, I cannot remember ever meeting or knowing anyone that has a sense of empathy.
It seems to be a common agreement that empathy is even more void among autistic people. However, I feel that I have been endowed with more than my share. I suffer catastrophic PTSDs resulting from empathy of my friends.
I am not seeking advice on “curing” or “healing” or “treating” my PTSDs or my sense of empathy. That is not what this post is about. I don’t even believe it’s possible. I am just wondering if anyone else “suffers” from the totality of empathy. Also, this post is mostly a rant.
I believe that most of the suffering in the world is the result of a lack of empathy. I believe that wars, walls, murders, prejudices, bigotry, segregation, etc. could not occur if empathy was common. I believe there would be no bullies. Autistic, or any kind of people that are not like the majority would not be singled out and considered defective, or need “fixed”, or made to “conform”. I believe that people that are different should be celebrated, but they are most often scorned. It is very hurtful to me when it is considered that my empathy (or my autism) is considered “wrong”; inflicting anger in others who want to punish and hurt me for it.
I have to agree with what Terry Collins said to Kate Wheeler in the movie, “Bandits”, “I think it's better to feel too much than to feel too little.” I never want to forget my friends or loose my empathy for them. But, I have tragic PTSDs about them and I desperately do not want to add to those experiences again.
I mean no one is perfect.
And I do believe some people feel empathy easier like some autistics and empaths.
But I do not just believe empathy is just something someone with disabilities can experience I think there are people with empathy or empaths with no disabilities.
But it is hard to find and can make you feel alone because a lot of people struggle with compassion and caring even and are very self centred and mainly concerned with their own life and interests rather than others.
I try to believe everyone cares to some capacity and the world is not as bad as I think but some people are very greedy and have quite a lot going for them that others do not or have never experienced and can seem quite ungrateful and seem to think they can live on their own sufficiency without need or want for a higher power which tell me they are really evil because God made them and gave them everything they have. And a lot of people seem to think Christmas abd Easter has no faith meaning or relevance anymore. Which completely makes me sick and goes against my beliefs but also people have to feel welcome in the church and by God for them not like faith is for a select elite few who can live according to a certain creed.
Because it is not, it is a gift from Christ.
Just like life is so people can have it abundantly God gave Christ to them and ot is a gift from God.
So it is arrogant if people think they can get there according to reading the bible so well or abiding by scripture and being obedient.
And not everyone can live like that under such rigid regulations or so they think.
You are right people should not take advantage of people with disabilities. People with disabilities do their best, they can struggle in certain areas but that does not mean they cannot do things for some people. It is hard we have enough struggles without being taken advantage of others or having to cope with life on our own with childhood trauma.
I myself with my type of disability get sick of having to stand up for myself and fight for myself because it is exhausting and I do not enjoy conflict but who will fight for me and justify my truths. When you are right give people a chance to hurt you and some people will.
Everyone makes mistakes, disabilities or not sometimes it is not your fault and you should not have to pay for them forever especially when it is not your fault.
That is where God's mercy comes in that is available for everyone.
Love takes strength and endurance and forgiveness sometimes, you will never know love until you learn some of those things. It is not just supposed to be easy and a walk in the park, true love takes effort and often action anyone can say or feel loving feelings but true love overcomes all bounds and is loving and respectful of differences so you should feel free to be you and feel like people respect it and are polite as they can be and feel like you are heard and loved back in abundance and for you without people trying to change you or fit their box.
It is hard when their are not many empaths or loving people and I struggle and hurt over it too and truly believe sometimes people with disabilities and loving and caring people get hurt the most if they do not have a strong family base who they can go back to who understand them when they get hurt in life or things get too overwhelming.