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Fall photography

@velociraptor, this thread you started has really made me see all the different colors of fall… I started out looking for the traditional fiery New England fall colors, but in thinking about this thread, I see that it is a much more colorful experience than I realized, although I’ve lived here for decades.

@velociraptor, this thread you started has really made me see all the different colors of fall… I started out looking for the traditional fiery New England fall colors, but in thinking about this thread, I see that it is a much more colorful experience than I realized, although I’ve lived here for decades.

You're getting it now ;) Colour is everywhere, why I photographed a red car among yellow leaves, a blue car wouldn't have the same effect, and just got lucky with spotting that car too...

My favourite of these last two of your photos is the red bench with two leaves, red being a colour of Fall...

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