Yeah,those years the Hondas had low tension piston rings that let loads of oil get by.My '79 Honda Accord hatchback was very reliable, but that's the car that I had to put the 2x4 in the engine compartment from fender to fender with a chain wrapped around it to hold the engine up, because the brace the engine mounted to had rusted off. Without the chain holding it up, the axle would walk out of the transmission every once in a while, and you would have to get out and climb under and push it back in to keep going.
The 2x4 worked for thousands of miles, however once the chain rubbed a hole in the side of the oil filter.
That car also drank other car and lawnmower used oil by the gallon.
I got a free Dodge Omni once that had the lower part of the core support rotted thru in the center.The drivetrain flopped around like it was on crack because the front motor mount was no longer tied in. I whacked it out with a quickie saw and welded two plates over the exposed channel holes. Then I grabbed an old driveshaft, cut it to fit,welded a front motor mount on it and sparked it in place. I sold it a week later for $600 and bought a '75 Chevy half ton the same day