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Forced to have a smart meter


Well-Known Member
I received a letter saying that by law I need to have a smart meter, I showed a support worker from an autistic charity who deals with housing and the letter and he confirmed it. But I think having to change to a smart meter may cause some autistic people immense stress.
I have diagnosed depression and sleep problems too and I'm on meds for these. I have experienced traumatic experiences at different times in my life too
Smart meter - Wikipedia

It’s not actually the law, they are using word play to imply that it is. I’ve seen many letters trying to trick and bully people into having one installed.

The Citizens Advice Bureau invites people to contact them if their supplier tells them that they must have one installed:

Getting a smart meter installed
Doesn’t your power company, or water, or gas, install the meter themselves? Here in the USA, the service provider installs such devices at no cost to the customer, since smart meters make things easier for suppliers (by eliminating the job of meter readers)

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