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Forced to have a smart meter

Outgoing... And I dialled the numbers for her, and both were totally different numbers on her mobile phone with totally different companies. The same person has also rang on a few occasions pretending to be from one company or another.
Outgoing... And I dialled the numbers for her, and both were totally different numbers on her mobile phone with totally different companies. The same person has also rang on a few occasions pretending to be from one company or another.

That's very strange. I hope you reported it to the two companies.

Authorities want to be allowed to shut down rooftop solar panels​

The rise of rooftop solar power in Australia is seen as a great success story. But with so much solar power now available authorities want emergency powers to reduce output when it threatens to overload the energy grid. Some solar owners are in favour of the proposal even signing up to schemes that would allow their solar panels to be remotely manipulated at times of grid stress.
I'm sorry, but I must point out that this MSN story is fake news. Solar power, wind power any power source can't overload an energy grid. It simply doesn't work that way. Solar power inverters sync with the grid. Output regulation is inherent with the sync process. There is no need for any external control. This is not by intent, it is just physics. Overloading the grid is by load, never sources. Besides, the more solar / wind power, the less utility company needs to generate. Even If solar power ever exceeds the utility generators, that's just better for the energy company. That is just free energy for them to sell.

I did not get this from any published article. I got this from my job of designing solar / wind power inverters.

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