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Forced to have a smart meter

Legally I may forced to but I may not allow them in not violently and I will become homeless to make a strong point

The smart meter is on the outside of your house, not inside it. I don't understand why this would bother you. The electric company will install it.
Why? How could having a smart meter cause stress?

With a regular meter, the reader has to stand in front of it and read the numbers. With a smart meter, the reader can stand on the sidewalk or park in the street and read the meter from there.

Having a smart meter means fewer people walking through your yard and standing close to your house.

I think the smart meters in the US are "read" at the electric company's headquarters via satellite transmission of usage data. No one comes to our house and we've had a smart meter for many years. The electric company installed it.

Here in Australia, there is concern that there will be instability of the energy grid, partly due to the degree of roof top solar panel installations causing too much "back feed".
(Australia has one of the highest uptakes of solar-panels in the world.)
There could be a negative consequence in the future to ppl involved, I have heard.


Hence, my Big Brother pic above.
It is another concern we are facing.


The electric company can shut off your power at any time if they want to, such as for nonpayment for services. Having a smart meter has zero effect on their ability to do that.
I had a smart meter put in about three years ago and I live in the UK.. I was a bit concerned at first how accurate it would be, but it has gone well. I prefer it. I didn't like them emailing me to read my meter and things and I never used to like reading it either and all that is dealt with now when the smart sends the reading automatically. They do it for both my electric and gas and i'm really glad I went with it.
Frankly I'd much prefer an automated system to monitor my electrical and gas usage than a human being charged with manually reading multiple meters from an industrial meter socket.

Reminds me of a time when I contested a manual reading done which turned out to have been erroneous, with data taken from a meter adjacent to my own. Easily done when you see how many meters sit next to one another in the same socket.

I also still recall the first months I moved into an apartment and my electrical costs seemed outrageous in the summer. Several months later I was able to have a technician from the utilities company determine that my outdoor air conditioning condenser was hooked up to the unit below me, and that their condenser was connected to my apartment. I paid a lot of money over usage from another party. I was not happy about it as the utilities company nor my landlord was willing to reimburse me.
If you are in the UK it is not law. Be careful it is not a scam. Do not give your details, as they got my Mums details as Mum thought it was genuine.

The electric company already knows your "details" - who you are, your address, and how much electricity you consume.
The electric company already knows your "details" - who you are, your address, and how much electricity you consume.
In Nevada your utilities bill also serves as one of several requirements to validate your ID when applying for or renewing a drivers license with the federal "Real ID" requirements.
In Nevada your utilities bill also serves as one of several requirements to validate your ID when applying for or renewing a drivers license with the federal "Real ID" requirements.

Same here. It is one of various forms of acceptable ID.
The electric company can shut off your power at any time if they want to, such as for nonpayment for services. Having a smart meter has zero effect on their ability to do that.
The talk here is that things such as air conditioners can be manipulated by the energy-company/government.
This, in particular, has been a major concern in a hot country.
The issues isn't having the electricity turned off.
In Nevada your utilities bill also serves as one of several requirements to validate your ID when applying for or renewing a drivers license with the federal "Real ID" requirements.
I think the smart meters in the US are "read" at the electric company's headquarters via satellite transmission of usage data. No one comes to our house and we've had a smart meter for many years. The electric company installed it.
They don't have to come to your house. They only have to drive slowly through your neighborhood and let their on-board radio equipment do all the "reading" for them.
My Mum uses her mobile phone calls intercepted by someone posing to be someone he wasn't. I checked the phone numbers and my Mum phoned the right numbers, but somehow this same guy intercepted the calls and pretended to be a gas company and an electric company on separate occasions and took my Mums personal details from her as my Mum was unaware that it was the same person. The police cyber security guy had never come across anyone who could intercept genuine mobile phone calls before from a modern smartphone.
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They don't have to come to your house. They only have to drive slowly through your neighborhood and let their on-board radio equipment do all the "reading" for them.

Yes. That is what I thought I said. Except I didn't know that they read the meters by driving down the road. I thought they downloaded the data from a central location like their billing department.
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The talk here is that things such as air conditioners can be manipulated by the energy-company/government.
This, in particular, has been a major concern in a hot country.
The issues isn't having the electricity turned off.

Sounds like conspiracy theory stuff.
My Mum uses her mobile phone calls intercepted by someone posing to be someone he wasn't. I checked the phone numbers and my Mum phoned the right numbers, but somehow this same guy intercepted the calls and pretended to be a gas company and an electric company on separate occasions and took my Mums personal details from her as my Mum was unaware that it was the same person. The police cyber security guy had never come across anyone who could intercept genuine mobile phone calls before from a modern smartphone.

Are you saying that her outgoing calls to the power company were re-directed to a scammer's phone number? Or are you saying that she got phone calls from a scammer who claimed to be a representative of the power company?
My Mum uses her mobile phone calls intercepted by someone posing to be someone he wasn't. I checked the phone numbers and my Mum phoned the right numbers, but somehow this same guy intercepted the calls and pretended to be a gas company and an electric company on separate occasions and took my Mums personal details from her as my Mum was unaware that it was the same person. The police cyber security guy had never come across anyone who could intercept genuine mobile phone calls before from a modern smartphone.

Did anything negative happen as a result of the scammer getting the information from your mother?

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