All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so some model airplane fun is in order.
Can't launch a U-controlled airplane by yourself unless you have a stooge to hold her in place.
Didn't have a stooge, but do have some woodworking skills, hardware and some tools.
The launch deck is angled upward to assist in gaining an angle of attack as soon as the airframe is released.
Release lynch pin and arresting hook wire on the tail ^
Foot release mechanism^
A length of paracord was used for the release mechanism.
After you start up the engine, the airframe is held in place so you can get out to the control handle that is 25 feet away.
After checking the elevator control function, you simply pull back on the release mechanism shoe with your foot to release the arresting hook.
The airplanes have no throttle control, so they run wide open on a mixture of 35% nitromethane, 55% methanol, 5% synthetic oil and 5% caster oil.
That fuel now costs $100 a gallon

This one screams like a banshee too, revving up to about 22,000 rpm
These are two stroke engines that run of a battery actuated glowhead that is self-catalyzing after the engine begins to run.
After it is lit, the battery needs to be removed prior to flight.
Glowhead battery stash^
Can't leave that on the flightline either, so place it under the launch deck.
(less to look after during a flight)
Was too windy to fly yesterday, but I did manage to fire it up and run a full tank of fuel thru the old gal.
She is a profile style slab built trainer plane that are very durable and easy to repair.
It doesn't matter how well you fly one either, because eventually there will be a crash from reasons often beyond the pilot in command's scope of abilities.
True to Nitro's general modus operandi, he couldn't stick with a standard issue reed valve rear intake Cox .049 cubic inch offering and decided that this WWII North American P-51 fighter plane needed a powerplant equal to the Packard Merlin V-12 the real units were fitted with.
And we are going to need range to use her for bomber escorts, so break out the bigger guns in the name of a Cox .049 Medallian front rotary valve unit that is basically an 049 on Ferrari level steroids with a fuel tank that would rival a Kenworth 18 wheeler's tank.
"Bogies, one o'clock high!"
"Engage targets!"