Hello again,
Sorry I disappeared it was getting late on my side of the globe.
Yes, I personally quite like that we have free health care in Canada as well. However, it is quite a mismanaged and short-stringed system here. If only we could follow the Swedes and Netherlanders more closely...
I actually never got a diagnosis, I faked to get out of a diagnosis as a child and I haven't found someone to diagnose adults. Some of my family members were diagnosed properly though. I also studied in psychology and have to be careful about that psychology student syndrome
I see, did you ever watch Crash Course World History on youtube? I quite like that series. I am also like that with research, very inquisitive. I did not like university courses as much as they are usually structured into: memorize the textbook/class notes and regurgitate it on the exam. I sometimes went way further, only some profs appreciated the extra research. Later years were more fun some encouraged you to go further or had complicated assignments. But I am glad it did not go further in biochem, that was a tough course and the textbook was terrible.
I lead a double life so practically no one knows me or that I have aspergers. I will have to come out though, since my last screw up (at the lab at least) made certain things pretty obvious. I still socialize with them in an NT fashion. I learned a bit of the art of small talk, but still go of on tangents sometimes. I am a bit shy at first, but as I get to know someone I become less anxious and less shy with them. Some noticed I am a bit odd just because of the way I act or seem to enjoy my work (at the lab at least), such as how I talk to my mice or do not appear bothered when I operate on the mice. Key word is appear, inside my emotions are twisting and turning, but I do not demonstrate emotion as well.
It's true you do not necessarily need treatment, but some resources are useful to learn some skills, encourage you socialize and practice and lower anxiety (if there is any). CBT (according to research) is quite good as a therapy as long as it is tailored properly towards your specific needs. Yeah it won't make you a socialite lol. I am trying Dialectical behavioural therapy which is another good one, if tailored properly.