I was thinking about your post in the back of my mind today I guess... Is it possible that she is actually REALLY smart, and a master manipulator? Does she know that the absolute quickest route from getting to point A to point B, and by that I mean, the easiest way to get you to be puddy in her hands is to play this, "do you love me" card ?
I could see myself doing that as a kid, if it expended the least amount of energy to get what I wanted or needed from someone. Not in a sociopathic or manipulative way so much as an analytical I know you and how to push your buttons kind of way.
One thing about me, and i would assume other aspies, there is an intellectual imbalance where we are very perceptive and aware of some things that are not so obvious to others, and at the same time we can be, total oblivious to some basic things that are very obvious to a neurologically typical person.
I have no idea if your daughter is on the spectrum. For some reason , I found your post to be interesting, and thought i might have some useful insight to share. Whatever happens, I hope you find a resolution. What kind of insurance do you have that you have to wait 4 months for a diagnosis? Have you tried looking for Mental health professionals in your area that specialize in ASD? If she is or isnt on the spectrum, I view it more as a personality type than a disability.
Its not as life altering as classical autism, but it will come with extra challenges and maybe some rewards too.
one last thing- If she is diagnosed with something, and you notice she has really intense interest, even obsessions,encourage them! 1 of the dozens of them, may one day turn into something really special for her.
I feel weird being childless and likely younger than you , and giving you advice. but there it is.