Soooo...Mia's a boxer! Taekwondo!Began doing it when I was child. Imagine a skinny, pale, painfully shy girl who no one would listen to. Bullied relentlessly by an older sibling, then as a target of other neighborhood kids. My father began to teach me to box, as he had learned to box after being bullied himself (I think). I returned home one day with a black eye, and he began to show me how to defend myself.
Don't know if at the time it helped my sense of self-esteem. But it made me feel stronger, more capable. I was still after all only about sixty pounds at the time.
Eventually used those skills, to defend my younger sister, who was semi-verbal. Began also defending animals early on. Stopping people from hurting pets or wildlife.
As I grew older, went to school and worked I did things that gave me confidence. Taekwondo, dance classes, choir, sports, that I excelled at. In retrospect they gave me confidence, the ability to know that I could do things well. Then I met my spouse, and I learned a lot from him about strength. Also taught him a lot, about his true value as an individual.
Both of us practiced self-esteem. There was time, where that's all we worked on. When he was promoted to a managerial position, he was known as the 'nice guy.' For months he and I practiced saying no to just about everything. Then he implemented it, he in his job and I in mine. It sounds simple, but it's not. It requires practice.
It became less about people liking us, and more about what we may have wanted or was beneficial to the job at the time. There were still manipulations on the part of others, and at times I compromised as he did. Yet only enough, to slightly placate others, to be polite but firm and achieve harmony. Sometimes it didn't work, but much of the time it did. There are unknown factors, that can't be accounted for in come situations. We both learned to fix mistakes and take responsibility, without too much loss of face.
I wish Bella Pines was still here. Her response would be extremely helpful.
Outstanding. The calm confidence they instill is difficult to describe, no?
I miss Bella, too.