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How do you get a diagnosis of agoraphobia?

Lemon Zing

Well-Known Member
Basically, I received a summons to a court in a town not far from Edinburgh. It's called Livingston, which is in West Lothian. I know the bus number that goes there, but I get anxiety on buses. You cannot comfortably walk to the court from Hermiston Gait, as you would have to walk along a long stretch of the A71 and proceed to go through East Calder, then if you want to go the quiet way to reach the premises, it's via Almond Park. The charge was a petition reduced to a summary, because I made it crystal clear that I was unhappy with their ineptitude.

I was supposed to attend on the 16th of October. I wasn't able to go. My solicitor got it deferred to the 5th of November. I never went on that morning either. So I emailed my lawyer, because he had previously requested my approval to get in touch with my medical practice, to delve into if I had the anxiety issue I was telling people about. But it seems the doctors aren't playing ball, and I doubt I can change my GP, because you usually have to stick with the one you're local to.

Months ago, I attempted to go to that court, and walked so far up the road, before getting panicky. I called my lawyer. Later on, they came with a warrant. I live in a high rise, so they get the janitors to be their stool pigeons and call them if they notice me returning to my flat. They actually did this twice in March, but the other issue pertains to Glasgow. That was a joke, as well. Because they remanded me in Glasgow for over a week, for a full committal hearing. Then they liberated me with just a folder containing my release papers. I did not have a jacket, or my cards. And they had to exchange my free bus ticket to use a train.

Nobody told me how to get to the train station. I ended up going into a hospital near the motorway, so someone drove me to the station, and I boarded a train. But they'll be expecting me to attend court in Glasgow at some point.

I assume the only way to not attend court would be to get an official diagnosis, because it appears me simply explaining that to the idiots isn't good enough. And this crap has been a colossal ordeal for what has now been over a decade. I'm not going to fill in the blanks, as it's a convoluted mess. But if you remember any of my older threads with me covering what certain people subjected me to, then that's the reason.

Anyway, I get my time completely wasted by people all the time. If you ring up the court, their classic excuse is that "Everything you need is all on our site" or "Call the Law Society of Scotland" who normally just let you know, "By the way, there's this thing called Google, and ya know? You can Google names of lawyers" AKA "Duh! I know that already!"

Or they tell you to go to an advice shop, where they'll book you in, just to essentially say the same kind of common sense (basic) stuff anybody out in the street could tell you, free of charge. So what the hell are you supposed to do? You know?

It's dumb.
"Speak to your GP if you think you may be affected by agoraphobia.
It should be possible to arrange a telephone consultation if you don't feel ready to visit your GP in person."
Overview - Agoraphobia
Well, I don't know Glasgow at all, nor Livingston. But at least Livingston isn't too far away. Having to travel from Edinburgh to Glasgow is probably around 50 miles. But yeah. I've already did all the relevant things, and I get the impression the GP is backing out from assisting me with a note, as they know it's for a court matter.

There's a narrow canal path in Edinburgh that takes you to Broxburn, then you can somehow get on to Uphall Station Road, which adjoins with Pumpherston Road, in order to reach Gala Park, which then goes to Almond Park. You'd definitely require a bike, as walking would take several hours. And there's an aqueduct at one point. I'm not keen on heights. The other one that I know of near Calder Road above the M8 is quite high up.

Look up National Cycle Route 75 in Edinburgh. You can eventually get to the court from Lanark Road, but you would start the journey around Currie or Balerno, and even that's very far from where I reside, because you have to walk by the Water of Leith to get on to Lanark Road, unless you just proceed to walk the whole way along, which may take 2 hours. Although this is probably the quietest route that I know of, as it just goes by fields until you get to the B7015. Or perhaps the police could just chauffeur me there and let me stay overnight in the cop shop.
Do you have an official autism diagnosis? If so that alone should be enough to get you out of jury duty, you can claim you're unfit to sit on a jury due to mental disability.

There's other things that can get you off too, such as having a criminal record. I used that one before, I never mentioned that my only criminal conviction was drink driving, I just stated that I have a criminal conviction.
Yes. I do.

I suppose I can somewhat briefly explain what this is about. I'll omit the use of names, as that's likely to make me liable for libel. Not that it's even really slander, but you know what I mean.

The long and short of it, is that people view me as a laughing stock. This has been a major issue online, because as you know, trolls infest so many forums and whatnot. So they just enjoy annoying people to feel powerful. It does your head in, but that's more or less what their sad goal is. To make you feel angry.

Anyway, this fruitcake who was employed for an autism company I received help from, sent me emails from my Gumtree posts. At the time, I was sad about being unable to reunite with my ex. So he replied using a made up pseudonym, admitted it was him, and was saying I should shake off my mortal coil. He was also saying stuff about this wrestler, who died in 2005.

Then there was a carry on where people said things to my key worker, who is this Spanish lady. She lives out by that court, apparently, despite lying to me years ago when she said she was relocating to South America. But at the time, I fancied her. It was dumb and I felt lonely. So she figured this out, and was acting nasty. Then she asked to be removed. The seniors in charge lied to me. When it escalated to me getting upset, they called the police, then lied about doing that. Yet they provided them with keys.

The rest that followed was numerous breaches of bail, then I was breaching court orders for what I felt was for to defend my nobility. Then there was a period where I was being slandered so I couldn't be an extra in films, YouTubers hated on me, and so on and so forth. One of the orders ended in 2020 while Covid was going on, with the lockdown in full effect, but the police came right after it expired. It was all a ploy.

The Glasgow case is to do with a woman into dirty stuff online. She blocked me years ago on WhatsApp. A troll from Australia gave her my dox. He still harasses me online. Then she paid a lawyer to "sue me" (she gloated on X about it). But they really have been trying to take the Mickey now for years and years. And my lawyer dumped me, and demanded proof that my mother had passed away. So I felt even more depressed.
Do you have an official autism diagnosis? If so that alone should be enough to get you out of jury duty, you can claim you're unfit to sit on a jury due to mental disability.

There's other things that can get you off too, such as having a criminal record. I used that one before, I never mentioned that my only criminal conviction was drink driving, I just stated that I have a criminal conviction.

@Lemon Zing is a criminal defendant, not a potential juror.
By the way, I wanted to ask something.

You know the guy from Perth who always bugs me online on various websites, he has this YouTube series on a channel he started, obviously just to mock me.

Is he actually walking around in these places, or has he used some type of editing software to make himself seem like he's really there?

This guy is nuts, by the way. I've been putting up with his harassment for a long time, blocking him in vain. And I'm sure he was sending poison pen emails to film producers, hoping they would decline me for being in low budget movies, after I told people about my IMDb entry.

There's an anxiety support forum too, long abandoned by the owner, now with thousands of spam posts by him under various usernames (including one I normally use on other communities, so he can impersonate me).

How does Post #6 have any bearing on the idea of seeking a diagnosis
of agoraphobia?
Yeah. But the only reason they want me to go outside of my city, is because if somebody complains about you, they get you to go to the court in the place where they live.

So say you lived in, let's just say Boston. If somebody in North Carolina complained and the court viewed it as serious enough, you'd have to get a train to attend court in the region.
You know the guy from Perth who always bugs me online on various websites, he has this YouTube series on a channel he started, obviously just to mock me.

Is he actually walking around in these places, or has he used some type of editing software to make himself seem like he's really there?
Impossible to tell from that short clip, I've never been to Perth, it's 3500 Km from where I live so I'm not going to recognise any places enough in other videos either, other than some things may stand out as being distinctively Aussie.

And I don't use any social media at all. I post a fair bit in this forum, and occasionally I might post a question or an answer in a technical forum but I don't have conversations with people there, that's it. So I have no experience with this kind of thing.
It's not venues in Perth. It's all in Edinburgh. The guy made the videos to poke fun at my situation.

I've had this guy pestering me on *MANY* websites. Too many to name.

Anyway, in the event I get arrested one day, they'd probably be violating my rights. I'm not sure. I've called pretty much every legal firm in my vicinity for years by this stage, but they just pass me from pillar to post. But I was told that if I wanted to pursue action against these individuals, that's a civil case. Possibly more than one case. These aren't cheap. And the punchline is, that nobody has delved into how this can be done.

Plus, with next to no proof about every bad thing that occurred, that's just NOT how a court works. However, great time has been lost. My lawyer did nothing over the course of 10 years. Because I even provided him with proof on a USB drive a long time ago, which instead of storing in a safe place to bring to court, after all the deferring amid the pandemic, he apparently discarded it. So I mean, what's the point in retaining the services of an imbecile?

But I don't know. I think anybody else would have plunged into the sea from atop the Forth Road Bridge long ago. So I guess I'm lucky.
Yes. That's where he's from. I even got an IP address once on Wikipedia, which was from New Zealand. When confronted, he acted stupid by saying that I'm seemingly an idiot for bringing it up, because Australia and New Zealand are two different countries.

Gee. You think so? But regardless, here is the thing, though. Once this guy started stalking me on those forums, I fished for clues, then found him elsewhere relatively easily.

He posted a photo of himself and a dog on a forum during 2017. Once I got that non proxy IP address (from Spark) from an edit he made on Wikipedia, I emailed them and got nowhere. This is because I found his Twitter profile, and recognised him from old forums I was a member of, as far back as 2004. He had a picture of himself and the same pet as his profile picture. So I remembered him as one of the idiots who cyberbullied me during the era.

This is why he makes the Sherlock Holmes jokes to be sarcastic. Although all the other drama llamas I spoke of are actually people I met, or corresponded with online. But they're in Scotland.
I think the best answer is to just stop going to these places where people keep upsetting you. Leave them be to all rip each other apart and move on to other things.

Also, a New Zealand ip means most definitely not Australia. Two vastly different countries with vastly different ip ranges. And ip addresses aren't of much use these days anyway with all the privacy tools we use such as VPNs, proxies and onion servers.
It's the mere fact that I obtained all the other proof, though. I mean, it's not like it's just a random man. He was already well known to me, just from the amount of video games related forums I was posting on, which was precisely two decades ago.

I've never even been overseas. He just targets me on forums to get me to rise to the bait.

But you're right, though. The forums have ran their course. It's a miracle that I've been talking about the Resident Evil franchise for this long in general, as the sheepfold from those kind of forums never listen to logical statements anyway. For I told them about Capcom copying other games, or cutting out content, because they kept doing remakes to milk the series dry. Then they started being dumb on those sites, trying to damage control like nerds are infamous for doing. But at the end of the day, opinions cannot always be swayed.

It was mostly a waste of time, but there was occasionally some sensible user who seen my point. But then my mother had to be stupid and buy imported cigarettes, which gave her an aortic aneurysm and CKD. Just know though, that my mum was the stubborn type. If she wanted to smoke like a chimney, that was that. But she supported me through this garbage with these people, right to the end. Although how she went was sad and unceremonious. She died from heart and kidney failure on my sister's birthday. And I have two sisters with the same birthday, but they are different ages.

If it's not meant to be, then it's not meant to be.

This is how I feel inside; I'm sure many autistic people out there feel the same way about where their life has taken them.


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