I have never really been much of a popular person, but through a lot of my school days, I managed to at least have a few people to hang out with, even if they weren't the best kinds of friends. I got into an abusive relationship and got stuck there through virtually all of high school and a year beyond. all of the social ties I did have were severed by the end of it, though I managed to get back with 2 friends who had become my best friends. then I found myself only hanging out with them. I had been friends with them for years and never managed to make friends with any of their friends, and most just treated me badly anyways. I found myself getting sucked up on all their drama and I couldn't take it anymore, not to mention they never really liked to go do things with me, so I ended up breaking it off with them. Now it seems harder than ever to try to make friends and I am at such a loss. I have no idea what to do. I have been forcing myself to get out and go places and to events alone, despite the social anxiety. I've been striking up conversation with people. I have learned to dance in public. Yet, nothing I do can seem to get the right kind of attention and leave the kind of impression to make a friend. The only time anyone asks to hang out with me or invites me to a party is if they are trying to hook up with me. As soon as they find out im not interested in that way, I get forgotten. How in the world do people make friends? I've tried everything I could think of.
i applaud your effort and your work on making friends and doing what you can to make it happen. your a great person to try and put yourself out there. thats a lot of effort and you try so hard, your awesome !

id totally be your friend.
as for me, its hard for me as well. i recently became friends with a group of retired people at my local coffee shop after going there everyday and sitting with them, i eventually started talking to a couple of them once in a while, and before i knew it, they let me join in on their group.

now i go to my local coffee shop every morning and hang out with them and talk and joke. i love it, i am so happy and thankful to be their friend.

im so much happier since becoming a part of their group.
i also have a freind who goes to the same community college as me. we met through a online friend and i found out she lives locally, so i sent her a message online through a online blogging site, and we became instant friends.

i just sent her a christmas card and a xmas gift
but yeah i totally understand where your coming for and how hard it is to make friends. it really is hard to make friends especially when your older it seems to be harder.
but dont stop what your doing, you'll make friends evetually, just keep putting yourself out there and it'll happen ;0)