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How many aspies does it take to...

One Aspie to stand around holding the old lightbulb and wondering what to do with it.

(Awesome thread!!!!)

If it's one of the new light bulbs, I think you practically have to wear a hazmat suit because of the mercury. (Aspieness is rubbing off on me!)
don't leave yet...I need your help for a second :p

:eek: .......Would you like a nice "kick in your butt" sandwich for lunch, Nitro?
(I'll be using my middle finger for something, but it won't be for any lightbulb socket checking.) Wait, I have a better idea. Nitro, I just put you down to cover my socializing duty with me tonight (for the next month, actually). Bring your ear plugs and sunglasses cause I have a feeling it's going to be a loooooooong shift. :D
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:eek: .......Would you like a nice "kick in your butt" sandwich for lunch, Nitro?
(I'll be using my middle finger for something, but it won't be for any lightbulb socket checking.) Wait, I have a better idea. Nitro, I just put you down to cover my socializing duty with me tonight (for the next month, actually). Bring your ear plugs and sunglasses cause I have a feeling it's going to be a loooooooong shift. :D
As I have always told the boys that were gettin' too frisky..."don't let your mouth write a check unless your ass can cash it" :D
Better bring a whole barrel of whoop-ass and all the "get back" ya have as well...
I do understand the salute :p we have some non-verbal skills ya know...returns the salute..."at ease private"
I can cover your socializing event for ya...it may never exist again,but I am offering my help ;)

Please take this as the humor it was intended to be :D
One Aspie to stand around holding the old lightbulb and wondering what to do with it.

(Awesome thread!!!!)

While holding the lamp with the both hands (to be sure it wont drop), get distracted wondering and seeing the images on her/his head about the way this lamp will make to the trash, and all the time it will take to disintegrate.
Hoping the new one doesn't need to be changed, makes plans to buy one or two extra lamps so the next time ( :D cause you know he/she will be thinking about it :D ) the trouble will be more under control.
~Wishing one day technology will make lamps obsolete and light can come in a more ecological and practical way~
One who refuses to use the proprietary Adobe pdf reader to peruse the manual, then goes on an Internet hunt for a free pdf reader.

Another who only uses open source software, can't find an open source pdf reader, and starts coding one herself.
Then there's that one aspie who doesn't bother, because all she does is sleep, use the computer, and eat (by the light of the computer screen), and her eyes were too sensitive to the light from the bulb anyways.
As I have always told the boys that were gettin' too frisky..."don't let your mouth write a check unless your ass can cash it" :D
Better bring a whole barrel of whoop-ass and all the "get back" ya have as well...
I do understand the salute :p we have some non-verbal skills ya know...returns the salute..."at ease private"
I can cover your socializing event for ya...it may never exist again,but I am offering my help ;)

Please take this as the humor it was intended to be :D

Nitro, I didn't understand anything you just said. I haven't gotten my Aspie interpreter yet. (I asked for one back in "The Great Escape" thread but Harrison hasn't got back with me.)
One aspie to ask on AC whether anyone has experience changing lightbulbs.

One aspie to claim he was flamed for asking such a question on another forum.

One NT to ask if its normal for his aspie to have difficulty changing light bulbs.

One admin aspie to remind them of the rules.
Nitro, I didn't understand anything you just said. I haven't gotten my Aspie interpreter yet. (I asked for one back in "The Great Escape" thread but Harrison hasn't got back with me.)
The Las Vegas odds point to you never getting one...want in on some of the action? :p
Same! I am too short to reach any of my ceiling lights and I have a phobia of ladders. One of my bulbs has been burnt out for a couple of months.
good chance my electric company conspiracy theory of spiking the voltage on your line just to pop your bulb covers that wyv...:p
Um, I was just wondering if it was normal for a group of Aspies to have such difficulties changing a lightbulb? Is the same amount of Aspies needed if say, batteries need to be changed out or maybe even the furnace filter perhaps? :)
Um, I was just wondering if it was normal for a group of Aspies to have such difficulties changing a lightbulb? Is the same amount of Aspies needed if say, batteries need to be changed out or maybe even the furnace filter perhaps? :)
We haven't even changed the lightbulb yet and now you dare ask about two more very complicated tasks...:p

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