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How many aspies does it take to...

One aspie to count and categorize the responses to the question, "How many aspies does it take to change a light bulb?"
One to do that, and one to specify the categories.
One to derive the Social Map of the conversation
One to explain Gricean Maxims

One to (rather quietly) repeat the word one: " one one one one one one..."
One to become delighted that the word one has so many rhymes, so goes off to start a Game Thread about that
One who notices that the word 'bulb' ends and begins with the same letter
One who launches into a mini-lecture about Alpha & Omega meaning beginning and end
One who says that the need for aspies is infinite

One little directionality-challenged aspie who is still thinking about the word 'bulb' and wondering how to pronoun "plnp"
One more to point out that the mirror image to the word "bulb" is not "plnp"
One aspie to ask "Where is the rule book? I don't know what to do unless I see the rules."

One aspie to stay home and have nothing to do with the question
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One to (rather quietly) repeat the word one: " one one one one one one..."
One aspie to interrupt the changing of the lightbulb with vocal stimming.
One aspie to ask "Where is the rule book? I don't know what to do unless I see the rules."
One aspie to have a meltdown due to a lack of rules for changing the lightbulb (that would be me, as I tend to have meltdowns when there aren't enough rules for how something is to be done).
I saw this picture and thought of this thread. Maybe we should be taking advice from the kitties. And people say that all cats have Aspergers.

Looks like 2 cats are needed for this task. One to change the light bulb and one to observe. (Or maybe a third one to try to hit the one observing). If cats really are aspies, is that our answer? Two?
One aspie to interrupt the changing of the lightbulb with vocal stimming.One aspie to have a meltdown due to a lack of rules for changing the lightbulb (that would be me, as I tend to have meltdowns when there aren't enough rules for how something is to be done).
Did you try asking? I am pretty sure one of us has collected as much of the resource material as could be found and has it highly organized pertaining to anything about the entire procedure :D
And 1 aspie to remark that no discussion of exploding cows or horses is complete without the exploding whale video, complete with a fully functioning team composed of NTs with a bright idea to tidy up the beach, aspies busily computing the forces required to explode said whale, and all of them regarding the issue of what happens when whales explode as a red herring.

One aspie to remember 5 years later to check if the bulb’s still working (or was even changed yet).
One aspie to check how many of the original aspies are still changing lightbulbs.
One aspie to calculate the ratio of lightbulb changers to forum members over 5 years.

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