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How many aspies does it take to...

I think I was employed by the President at another point in time...

You neglected to mention that on your resume...high velocity projectile vomit cleaning skills may suffice as well,but I will need a reference or two from both of you to present to the board concerning that matter...

No time to collect references - I'll just collect the evidence (a very large amount) and plop it down on your desk. :D
Can we just forget the light bulb already? It's going to get cold soon and we need to replace the furnace filter.
I suspect the lightbulb has been cold for quite some time now. Do you think replacing the filter will help warm the bulb up again?
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I suspect the lightbulb has been cold for quite some time now. Do you think replacing the filter will help warm the bulb up again?

Can't a lightbulb still light if it's cold? Just screw it in the socket and you'll see. And no, I'm not going to test the socket with my finger.
Can't a lightbulb still light if it's cold? Just screw it in the socket and you'll see. And no, I'm not going to test the socket with my finger.
In that case we can forget about the furnace then, right?
But I think you forget. We can't just screw in a bulb. We haven't taken the dead one out yet! And besides it might be a bayonet type.
One more aspie to do an aspie *sigh*.
Can't a lightbulb still light if it's cold? Just screw it in the socket and you'll see. And no, I'm not going to test the socket with my finger.
we do need one more aspie to remind us that if the aspie chosen was in fact blind they may never see anything...
One more aspie to convince the NT that his finger in the socket test was the quickest and most efficient way to perform that task and required no special equipment
I motion that an aspie call a mom because mom's always know best and surely she can change the bulb! Do I have a second approval?
we do need one more aspie to remind us that if the aspie chosen was in fact blind they may never see anything...
One more aspie to convince the NT that his finger in the socket test was the quickest and most efficient way to perform that task and required no special equipment

Sorry Nitro. Had to take back my "like" after reading that you wanted to use the "NT finger in socket" convincing technique. Oh, are there other NT's besides me (cause I'm a girl)?
Sorry Nitro. Had to take back my "like" after reading that you wanted to use the "NT finger in socket" convincing technique. Oh, are there other NT's besides me (cause I'm a girl)?
ok...lets try this another way...you replace the lightbulb,switch it on,it's still dark and you don't understand why. Simple fix,just label the light to show that it is different so others will know that it does not work the same as the majority of lights...nice concept,don't ya think? :D
male,female...I get it now,more labels :p

If they had a dislike button here,you would wear it out on me :D
One parent to say his aspie kid has been changing lightbulbs since before he was out of diapers, can recite the writing on the packaging of each brand in the local supermarket, and has his own YouTube channel of lightbulb advertisements.

Phew, job's finally done. Just takes one if you get the right one. Should have called the kids in earlier.
one more to announce that his MagLite had a spare bulb in the battery compartment that would help solve the dilemma
One Aspie to question why one needs a spare bulb in the battery compartment? Is that so that you can see the batteries as you change them in the dark?
Another to state that even if he does have a spare bulb in the battery compartment, it's far too small, can't handle 110Vac let alone 240Vac and it doesn't have either a screw or bayonet mount, so how does that help with the problem anyway!
Sorry to bring this topic up again :-)
Actually the spare bulb inside the flashlight is a great idea...it is always the one that fits the particular light,therefore making it's failure a little less like the last dilemma...besides that,some aspies are light sensitive,so we need one more just to bring that up...my next question is how could one tell if the light actually went out when the refrigerator door closes if there is not enough room to climb inside it to check?
Zurb, Nitro..........


Now I'm getting grumpier.
Two possible solutions:

1) Drill a hole through the refrigerator door to view if the light goes out

2) Use the Schrodinger equation to show that the quantum wavefunction for the lightbulb can not be resolved without effecting the outcome. Most likely by causing horses to explode ! :D

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