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How many aspies does it take to...

Actually the spare bulb inside the flashlight is a great idea...it is always the one that fits the particular light,therefore making it's failure a little less like the last dilemma...besides that,some aspies are light sensitive,so we need one more just to bring that up...my next question is how could one tell if the light actually went out when the refrigerator door closes if there is not enough room to climb inside it to check?

LED flashlights, a proper LED can produce light for dozens of human lifetimes (even if you lived to be 100) before it fails.
Haha, I collect rechargeable LED torches. The batteries die, and can't easily be replaced here. But I can't throw them out because the LEDs are still good :-)
All except my son's one that is. Must have had a fault as when I plugged it in, all the LEDs exploded.
Haha, I collect rechargeable LED torches. The batteries die, and can't easily be replaced here. But I can't throw them out because the LEDs are still good :)
All except my son's one that is. Must have had a fault as when I plugged it in, all the LEDs exploded.
Probably a bad resistor or other part, it let too much power get to the LED and blew it up.
One sighted aspie with an obsession about blindness to insist that light bulbs are actually redundant and that sighted people can live in the dark just like blind people do.
One blind aspie to infodump about different kinds of blindness and how a lot of blind people do have basic perception of light in a room.
Another blind aspie to begin a lecture on safe cane travel.
Another sighted aspie to transcribe the instructions for changing the bulb into Braille so that the blind aspies can change the bulb.
One sighted aspie to rudely interrupt the discussion and insist that they don't want the light bulb to be changed due to a dislike of change.
One aspie to retrive a replacement bulb from the stock of back up bulbs he already has.
Another aspie to remove the new lightbulb just to check it was inserted correctly.

Another aspie to help him put it back in (hey, I think there's maybe something in there. Can we borrow that NT finger again).
Another aspie to tell him the probablity of him having an accident at some point in the process of changing the lightbulb
Can we borrow that NT finger again).

I'll let you borrow two NT fingers! :p


(I love you Grumpy Cat!!!)
One more aspie to ask 'If we've finished changing the light bulb, and it works, what are we going to do with the horses?'
One more aspie to start a new thread titled 'A hundred and one uses for dead horses'.
One more aspie to create a poll to vote on which is the best option.
One NT to ask 'Why are we talking about horses again?'
One more aspie to ask 'If we've finished changing the light bulb, and it works, what are we going to do with the horses?'
One more aspie to start a new thread titled 'A hundred and one uses for dead horses'.
One more aspie to create a poll to vote on which is the best option.
One NT to ask 'Why are we talking about horses again?'

I guess that's where I come in.......

Why are we talking about horses again?

(In my mind I'm thinking "WTH are we talking about horses again??!! Geez!!! :confused: What is going on with these Aspies? Talking about dead horses, needing to use my NT fingers to stick into places where they shouldn't be going. That's it, I'm calling Guinness Book because I'm sure that if there's any lightbulb change record recorded these Aspies will have that beat!") :mad:

Then I say..........

Zurb, Nitro? Is there anything else I can help you with? :)
I guess that's where I come in.......
Good to see you know your place. I knew I could rely on you. :-)

Actually, I think we're almost done here. I'll send Nitro over soon to help with your furnace filter. I know absolutely nothing about them, so I'll be doing the 'read up about it on google' job. How many extra aspies would you estimate that I need to send with him?
(One Aspie to set aside some time to be a "social buddy".)

Yoo hoo! NT here needing some small talk time. Someone want to be my social buddy? Hello?
One aspie to point out that many of you can't tell the difference between OCD, ADHD, ADD, and ASD, and start counting the team size all over again. And again, on account of not being able to remember and having to start from the first one.

(One Aspie to set aside some time to be a "social buddy".)

Yoo hoo! NT here needing some small talk time. Someone want to be my social buddy? Hello?

And one social aspie who can keep Grumpy and Waldo company.

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