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How many aspies does it take to...

one aspie to research tranmogrifier design
I just found those bayonet bulbs at Amazon. Thank goodness.

What in the heck do dead horses have to do with this? Are you trying to make horseradish sauce now or worse - glue?! :eek:
one aspie already provided you an Amazon link to the bayonet bulbs...try to keep up
At the school, they call me "that stupid box of curiosities which you can't close".

> Buys a new lightbulb, realize it's from Philips.
> "Hey, do you know Philips is a Dutch company, located in Amsterdam, founded by Eindhoven in 1891 and Gerald Philips..."
> Insert the lightbulb in the socket, start taking pictures, looks obsessed to the logos.
Phillips manufactured flourescent tubes had the worst track record of failure in my study...:p
There's just too many Aspies and too much information. And the dead horse thing threw me off. :confused:
Besides the TMI,how can you get thrown off by a dead horse...pure logic would tell you a dead horse is in fact dead and incapable of throwing anything off except a bad odor which has already been addressed ;)

Once again,please try to understand our world and act like us...not too much to ask of ya is it? :p
I forgot you might take me literally about the dead horse. It's too early in the morning for this! :eek: (Ran out of room screaming)
Not to add to any confusion that might exist but a dead horse might actually be capable of throwing off quite a lot. As a boy from the countryside -you know it's going to get gory- I've had the questionable pleasure of witnessing what can happen to a dead cow if left in the sun. It lay in the field right across my friend's house; we must have been 9 or so. It was the beginning of our summer holidays and we we're a little miffed because we had to help clean out the garage so they could park the car inside, something they didn't usually do. As the days went by the cow would swell up, even roll over, legs in the air until it exploded, spreading around a lot more than just a foul smell across the field and onto the street. Maybe this doesn't hold for horses, but let's say that it's not because an animal has become inanimate, that it doesn't still have the capability of ruining your sunday dress or suit. :p

Also, I didn't really like all that bright light to begin with, so let me postpone the actual execution part of Operation Change Light Bulb a bit more by saying that a Philips made Compact Cassette Recorder* (I believe they actually invented the Compact Cassette Tape) was used by Keith Richards** to achieve the distinctive guitar sound on songs like Street Fighting Man*** and Jumping Jack Flash, which is not about a man named Jack accidentally putting his finger in the light socket while the power is still on.

*A Philips Compact Cassette Recorder

** A slightly peevish Keith Richards 'aving a smoke after unfruitfully looking literally all over the place to find a replacement light bulb.

*** A Street Fighting Man
Not to add to any confusion that might exist but a dead horse might actually be capable of throwing off quite a lot. As a boy from the countryside -you know it's going to get gory- I've had the questionable pleasure of witnessing what can happen to a dead cow if left in the sun. It lay in the field right across my friend's house; we must have been 9 or so. It was the beginning of our summer holidays and we we're a little miffed because we had to help clean out the garage so they could park the car inside, something they didn't usually do. As the days went by the cow would swell up, even roll over, legs in the air until it exploded, spreading around a lot more than just a foul smell across the field and onto the street. Maybe this doesn't hold for horses, but let's say that it's not because an animal has become inanimate, that it doesn't still have the capability of ruining your sunday dress or suit. :p

Also, I didn't really like all that bright light to begin with, so let me postpone the actual execution part of Operation Change Light Bulb a bit more by saying that a Philips made Compact Cassette Recorder* (I believe they actually invented the Compact Cassette Tape) was used by Keith Richards** to achieve the distinctive guitar sound on songs like Street Fighting Man*** and Jumping Jack Flash, which is not about a man named Jack accidentally putting his finger in the light socket while the power is still on.

*A Philips Compact Cassette Recorder
View attachment 12610

** A slightly peevish Keith Richards 'aving a smoke after unfruitfully looking literally all over the place to find a replacement light bulb.
View attachment 12611

*** A Street Fighting Man
ok...I forgot about including exploding horse parts :p

nice post about the recording device...interested in about 1,000 cassettes tapes from my rock n roll past? :D

I still have a huge box of eight tracks and a new in box 1975 Craig under dash 8-track player for a car...the drive wheels in some of the 8-tracks have turned into a sticky black goo...nothing is forever but certain death and I am doing the Lenin gig for those tapes :p

I think Keith was probably trying to remember where he left his high corrosives...that would explain the chaos around him...it probably overshadowed his search for that pesky bulb...that would turn him into a street fighting man for sure
A flame applied at the right time might provide some alternative illumination, especially if we can achieve a controlled and sustained release of the gas.
A flame applied at the right time might provide some alternative illumination, especially if we can achieve a controlled and sustained release of the gas.
I have some old gas lights...it would involve a complex system of regulators and valving to pull it off...I get started on a prototype right away ;)
I have some old gas lights...it would involve a complex system of regulators and valving to pull it off...I get started on a prototype right away ;)

With version 2.0 being adapted to also work on live horses and cows. Maybe with a temporary storage unit for the gas which can be carried around by the producer as a kind of backpack and harvested twice a day by a gas farmer. Who knows, it might save a couple polar bears.

Tapes are always great. I had to get mine out of the box when I got the 4-track, but I'm using them in the car now too, with a walkman with built-in speakers.
My grandparents had an 8-Track player in the house, with 4 or 5 tapes next to it, one of them being The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust. The cassettes themselves felt like something built by Playmobil. Nice plastic. I still wonder sometimes what happened to it.
Hmm, must resist getting the reel-to-reel out to see if it still works...it does (some nice choral music on track 3-4, but the mic doesn't...oh, i can record on two separate tracks with this, interesting...wouldn't I be able to make use it as some kind of tape echo filter, how do those work again. I should look it up. Or just sit in the darkness of a broken light bulb for a while so I don't get lost in this tangent of tape.
Any .0 version should be considered a public beta full of bugs. I suggest we wait for version 2.1 before changing the bulb. By then the integrated drenching should deal with bugs.
With version 2.0 being adapted to also work on live horses and cows. Maybe with a temporary storage unit for the gas which can be carried around by the producer as a kind of backpack and harvested twice a day by a gas farmer. Who knows, it might save a couple polar bears.

Tapes are always great. I had to get mine out of the box when I got the 4-track, but I'm using them in the car now too, with a walkman with built-in speakers.
My grandparents had an 8-Track player in the house, with 4 or 5 tapes next to it, one of them being The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust. The cassettes themselves felt like something built by Playmobil. Nice plastic. I still wonder sometimes what happened to it.
Hmm, must resist getting the reel-to-reel out to see if it still works...it does (some nice choral music on track 3-4, but the mic doesn't...oh, i can record on two separate tracks with this, interesting...wouldn't I be able to make use it as some kind of tape echo filter, how do those work again. I should look it up. Or just sit in the darkness of a broken light bulb for a while so I don't get lost in this tangent of tape.
Ziggy did in fact play guitar...:cool:

On a morning sit in radio show at my hometown favorite radio station I got to talking to one of the two DJs and asked about the carts as they called them...the station still used 4 tracks for sound bytes at the time and I asked him if they ever went off track and needed shimmed with an object to play properly...he said yes...I asked him if he used a pack of matches or his pack of Top cigarette papers to do the job...he never answered the question,he just smiled...:D
Anyone remember the pencil trick for rewinding a tape that had run amok and spewed it's guts out in your player? Or better yet the cachunk noise as it changed tracks during your favorite tune :eek:

The cassettes...made out of plastic,fragile,really poor audio quality and were even worse when people found the extended play ones from the junk store and made horrible compilation tapes with a really inexpensive microphone in front of their nasty old boombox from a radio station...my favorite parts of the tape were when the person recording this garbage either talked,coughed or their phone rang...a precursor to the butt dialed phone call that came about after cellphones came out of the bag and weighed as much as a locomotive. My other favorite part of those tapes was having to fast forward or reverse 19 miles of delicate tape that usually spelled disaster for the tape and got it tossed in the trash...what a racket the recording companies had in that form of disposable media.:rolleyes:

I deleted my post about global warming,polar bears and Charles Darwin...way too politically incorrect to say the least :p
I was at high school kind of at the end of reel to reel tapes being popular. We had this tape of sound effects we liked to play with during the lunch break. Inevitably we'd have it on a high speed rewind when the school bell would ring, and as we flicked off the rewind the tape would break. This was before we discovered how to splice the tape, so we got adept at rethreading the tape, and winding a couple of rounds back on the reel so it looked ok. By the time we were finished with it it was like confetti. :-)
I'm left in the dark with this latest turn of events (exploding cows and historical tapes) - would that be because the lightbulb issue has not been resolved yet?

So, one aspie to sit in the dark and wonder where all the others have gone - and whether they all moved on to a new special interest?
1 Aspie to bring the comic books to read while every one else obsesses about methane from exploding cows !
Yes indeed, we have a lightbulb to change !!

I would go to Red Alert but that would mean changing another light bulb :)

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