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How Normal Are You?

I have adapted so I can interact with others. But I don't try to be 'normal'. Rather, I try to keep all my positive aspie traits. That way I'm hopefully different, but in a cool way. :D
Externally (observational/non-interacting) point of view I've been described as quiet and a very deep thinker

Its not until actual interaction and seeing some of the challenges that can bring on my end that it becomes apparent I'm what you might percieve as slightly different

So initially I hide it well, but then I've kept things buried for so long I would imagine you develop your own ways to blend in a bit (even if clearly not masterful) Not deliberate, I like who I am (most of the time) and so long as I do no harm to anybody don't believe I should have to change that
What's normal? A setting on your washing machine? The way I am is normal for me.

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