When one teaches, two learn
I've been having exactly the same issues, and I'm 59! I found these resources online.Are there good youtube or otherwise training resources which really start from basics like body language, eye contact, tone, how to say and what to say etc? I've read books such as "How to make friends" but all those are too advanced for me. An advice in that book was to make other people talk about themselves. So I was interested in a person who was interested in math so I kept asking that person questions about math. After a few months, the person said that although they liked answering the questions, the interactions always felt like interviews and not how they'd talk to a potential friend. Idk how to resolve issues like this unless there are tutorials which start from basics. In math and physics, everything follows from few fundamental principles. Everything has a logical connection. Why is social interaction not like that? Why is it so chaotic, complex and unpredictable? It's 1000 times harder than the hardest math problem and no, I'm not exaggerating. The hardest math problem, if provable, will have set patterns and set logical connections. In a social interaction you'll never be able to prove why something worked and why something didn't. Please make it a science!!
Social Skills Resources for Individuals with Autism
But I also found this which I think is very important:
Social Skills Training
It states: Being able to “pass” for non-autistic is not a positive outcome for autistic mental health.
I believe this.
Masking who you really are leads to anxiety and dissociation from your true self.
We are what we are - perhaps the issue lies with the rest of the world who don't accept us as we are (not the best answer when you're lonely I know).
Maybe we need to band together?