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Hypersexual vs Asexual

Sheldons Asexual gets disgusted at the thought of coitus but loved Amy so much he made a sacrifice and had sex with her he loved the sensation after but lacks desire of it when it happened Amys ok if its once a year when he does though its a good first step he does love her but sometimes difficult expressing it, lol i remember when Amy was sick and he reluctanly nursed her but was excited when he offered to vape rub her chest it wasnt sexual to him but to her it was lol.
Sometimes think there should be a hypersexual flag, im still curious on most on the spectrum are either hypersexual like me and Asexual like others on the spectrum? Extremes on hormones? Yes most NTs in Between?
A vid of another aspie describing hypersexuality in aspies on the other side.Thats not me btw im younger and handsomer i got some AspieOtaku vids n Youtube but must about getting a job and adjusting as an aspie.
Typically, if you manage to stop masturbating for a short while, a few days to a week, then your desires diminish. Feeding the desire strengthens it.
Typically, if you manage to stop masturbating for a short while, a few days to a week, then your desires diminish. Feeding the desire strengthens it.
Smoking and heavy drinking diminishes it leading to ED. But i like sex my gf likes sex alot were both hypersexual though. I dont have as much time to masturbate now my girlfriend wants sex so i do that.
Society is hypersexual.
With us aspies were usually either hypersexual or asexual not much in between while most NTs in between, im curious about that perhaps brain chemicles come to play since our brains are rewired a different way? It usually splits to a 50/50 polar opposit shift on libido? Just a theory, sorry for being curious or asking too many questions or wanting to know too much.
I rarely even think about it. Carnal indulgences are just not that rewarding at all for me.
I desire it alot and love it, only regrets it gets messy with sweat and sticky bodily fluids and i get tired after but thats what towels and showers are for. I get sleepy and cuddle with my partner and cuddle.

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