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I actually don't want an platonic female friend anymore.

@Masked Man , but for some reason, it's a hard concept to explain that you need to step out of your mindset, and embrace a general mindset that we all have personal choices to hangout or not hangout with others. For some reason, those on the spectrum don't quite get this, and it's part of our social network mapping in our brain synopsis, we just don't understand why we can't be friends with those we wish to be friends with.
Agreed. An idea that helped me, but that I still have to remind myself of often, is that no matter what I do, not everyone is going to like me, and that's okay. Additionally, what other people think of me is none of my business. I can't control what anyone else thinks or does. I can only control my own behavior.
I find it hard when I know ill get on with someone and would be compatible as friends but they dont want to and cant see what I see.
I'm not who you asked, but I'll answer this... the answer is that you DON'T know you would get on and be compatible. The thoughts in your head are not facts or truth. You would LIKE to get to know that other person and you THINK you would be friends, but that other person does not have the same thoughts as you.

Further, once you realize that other person is not responding to you the way you would've hoped, you need to accept it respectfully and move on gracefully. Not everyone is going to like you, and that's okay.
@Gerald Wilgus You are another success story here, and it seems that Tony Ramirez is on the path to success. l see changes in his posts, some of that anger has dissipated.
I hope that he will have success in therapy if only to comprehend that he has choices in engaging with people and work to make that a reality. He will need to find some enjoyment in life and gain confidence in expressing that to maybe attract some interest in himself. I thought he was having some success with Yoga, but that seems to have fallen by the wayside.
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I had meltdowns today. Had to take 100 mg Seroquel. My hatred runs deep. The way they looked at me walking and one on the subway when I got off as another riding the subway. They always giving me looks.

Then coming home a platonic couple an ugly dude with a beautiful redhead women chatting it up back from the museum while again all the women around treat me like garbage.

I tried to watch two movies where a man treated a woman like garbage then they had sex. It pissed me off more. Finally just went back to One Piece on Netflix.

Then I lost it in my mother calling women the you no what word. I said I am quitting the gym and anywhere these people hang out. I hate them all. I can't be around them anymore. I am trying to wind down and go to bed. I hate my life.
Tony, you said you have been in the mental hospital numerous times already right? you have had multiple mental/nervous breakdowns?
Tony, you said you have been in the mental hospital numerous times already right? you have had multiple mental/nervous breakdowns?
No, back in 2003 I think before I lost every fake friend I had and last month, but I did not stay overnight when I texted my pastor that I wanted to take a bottle of sleeping pills.
Not necessarily every friend you had was fake, but some people change. Just from the vibes I get online, I feel like I would have a hard time and not enjoy hanging out with you, Tony.
Learning things and being able to do things for yourself is what is going to make you a stronger person in this world. You should be trying to make friends with volunteers at shelters and working at shelters, because there is less to be jealous of and all the work you can do/learn at a shelter, you can help others and maybe even connect with someone on a deeper level. Finding romance is a lot of luck, but it is also being able to do things for yourself and not being overly imposing on others.

Maybe look into volunteering at FabScrap. Once in awhile, they have been looking for interns- that means a paid gig. This is a relaxing activity of sorting and it can help soothe your mind.
And I'm tired of being so ugly and socially isolated.

I just wish that there was a drug that I could take that will turn me into a super-attractive blonde white guy with beautiful facial skin and beautiful facial features because I was often told that my nose is not pretty.

Perhaps in a million years from now when technology is more advanced than today there will be a drug or a group of drugs that you can take that will make you super-attractive to the pretty girls.

I think that every ugly guy like me dreams of suddenly becoming very attractive to the pretty young girls.
And I'm tired of being so ugly and socially isolated.

I just wish that there was a drug that I could take that will turn me into a super-attractive blonde white guy with beautiful facial skin and beautiful facial features because I was often told that my nose is not pretty.

Perhaps in a million years from now when technology is more advanced than today there will be a drug or a group of drugs that you can take that will make you super-attractive to the pretty girls.

I think that every ugly guy like me dreams of suddenly becoming very attractive to the pretty young girls.

You're much too hard on yourself, Uri. I doubt you are ugly at all. If you're healthy-looking, groomed and appropriately dressed, then you're good to go! The vast majority of women are not looking for Greek gods or Hollywood actors. They are looking for good, steady guys on whom they can always depend. You can attract more women with those qualities than all the body-burnished, blond haired, muscle chiseled body features that social media falsely claims are essential to attracting a mate.
I've never told you the opposite, Tony. I think a big part of your problem is that you try to use superficial things like appearance or a cologne to attract women when your focus should be on WHO you are rather than how you look.
I actually never used appearance or cologne, ex friends pumped that crap in my brain. I do agree I have to focus on who I am. Actually people who tell me that and not appearance or how I smell are still my friends and still message aka don't ghost me and talk to me IRL to. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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