I spent nearly 20 years working in jobs that expected me to wear a formal suit as par for the course. I found ways of making it work for me - cotton shirts with soft, shallow collars makes a huge difference, learning to tie your tie "just so" so it looks respectable without throttling you, waistcoats long enough to cover your waistband, cutting out labels and more. Dressing appropriately helps to feel the confidence you should have in such roles, but after a day at work I couldn't wait to get out of it!
Like it or not, people DO judge us by our appearance and in certain professions we have to dress a certain way either to be taken seriously or because there is an official or unofficial uniform that signifies the role. I always wear a collared shirt when I'm on camera because I know how I look will be significant to an NT audience in how seriously they take my words, but it goes on just before the camera rolls and comes off right after - nobody can see my bottom half either
These days I wear soft, loose jeans, t-shirts and hoodies out of the house for comfort and practicality. Steel toe capped Chelsea boots, 1/2 a size too big give me plenty of wiggle-room for my toes and hats/bandanas make me feel more secure. I don't like my head to be bare out of doors.
Indoors I live and die in PJs. Loose jersey trousers and t-shirts in colder months and light cotton shorts in the summer when it's too warm to wear anything more. Where I live it's too overlooked to go around in the buff unless I want PC Plod knocking on my door - not worth the aggro
It's just about feeling comfortable and not irritated to me

Like it or not, people DO judge us by our appearance and in certain professions we have to dress a certain way either to be taken seriously or because there is an official or unofficial uniform that signifies the role. I always wear a collared shirt when I'm on camera because I know how I look will be significant to an NT audience in how seriously they take my words, but it goes on just before the camera rolls and comes off right after - nobody can see my bottom half either

These days I wear soft, loose jeans, t-shirts and hoodies out of the house for comfort and practicality. Steel toe capped Chelsea boots, 1/2 a size too big give me plenty of wiggle-room for my toes and hats/bandanas make me feel more secure. I don't like my head to be bare out of doors.
Indoors I live and die in PJs. Loose jersey trousers and t-shirts in colder months and light cotton shorts in the summer when it's too warm to wear anything more. Where I live it's too overlooked to go around in the buff unless I want PC Plod knocking on my door - not worth the aggro

It's just about feeling comfortable and not irritated to me

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