Au Naturel
Au Naturel
Pain tolerance could be a thing. My wife doesn't believe the kinds of pain I just shrug off. I get a deep sliver and I get a sharp knife and start excavating. It's only pain and to be expected, so it isn't a big deal. I ignore a bee sting. I'll get some huge gash and it is bleeding all over but I'll just tape it together and call it good. My wife the nurse says I needed a half dozen stitches.Strange thing to discuss here. Do any other people with ASD have high pain tolerances? I have withstood some extreme pain situations without reacting immediately. Consequently, the damage is worse. Everything from burns to kidney stone colic to being punched in the face! What are your feelings?
Oh, by the way, artificial nudists come in boxes from certain suppliers of naughty things - saw a program on TV. Apparently, whole groups of people today only engage with fake plastic people.
My son is very much the same way. I don't think it is a high pain threshold or low sensitivity. It is how you react to it. You can decide that it is unimportant.
It's a problem that when you tell a doctor how much it hurts, you aren't getting thru. "On a scale of 1 thru 10, where one is hardly noticeable and 10 is the most terrible pain you've ever felt, how do you rate this pain?" And then they use that as some kind of diagnostic? Give me a break! I'm trying to figure out how much pain an average person would say "this pain" is. Compared to having an inflamed appendix explode on you, almost all other pain is trivial.
The thought of artificial nudists somehow brings to mind undressed mannequins.