Amy Susan Rose
Mitakuye Oyasin
So true; even though my native language is English I still find myself when I write going to the thesaurus to find the right word to convey my thoughts. I am an American although heritage almost 100 percent German. I read that German is one of the most difficult languages to learn.Writing is easier for me than talking too, even more so in English, which isn't my native language either. One great advantage of writing is that I can edit sentences and words as many times as I want to before actually posting them. While speaking I feel more pressured to reply immediately and tend to mess up words or the sentence structure more in order to do this quickly enough. Plus, you don't have to consider pronunciation while writing.
When younger and not nearly as proficient at verbalizing as I am today I would write in a journal for my therapist to peruse. That helped me immensely in not only conveying my thoughts to him but to hone my writing skills. I love writing.
I give people much credit and respect whose native language is not English but are required to use it to communicate on websites such as these. I would find it nearly impossible if I was required to have to translate the pictures in my mind to a foreign language (it's tough enough to do it at times with my native tongue). I would be one frustrated human being