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I don't think I am the only Aspie here who likes being naked.

Swimming naked is a totally different experience than with even the tiniest suit. Seriously, everyone should try this, for the free feeling.

I live a mile from the road. No neighbors. I wear, or don’t wear, what feels comfortable.

But I have no interest in doing it socially.
I love walking around in my underwear, only because there are so many hidden camera options these days, l life surf in underwear. I get a lot of men who stare at me with my clothes on, so l wouldn't be comfortable at a nudist fair. But a nudist resort would be way cool, as l don't have hangups about bodies
Nobody has a fetish over 67-year-old grandpa bodies. I have nothing to worry about there. :blush:

A woman has different considerations from a man. There's always a corner of her mind that has to be concerned about "shamers," stalkers, predators, and the like. An openly nudist woman has to be almost fearless. (I know a few.) The extremely protected environment of an established club is ideal for the rest.
When l went to Finland, my Finnish family said l could use my swimsuit. They had suna parties with their friends nude, and they drank vodka the husband made from potatoes since liquor is regulated. Europe is different then America.
"Camp Sunshine". Swimsuit, air mattress and guitar all optional.

Just try not to kill anyone in a rit of fealous jage.

And take the Chevy- not the Mini Cooper. ;)
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When l went to Finland, my Finnish family said l could use my swimsuit. They had suna parties with their friends nude, and they drank vodka the husband made from potatoes since liquor is regulated. Europe is different then America.
Hugely so, particularly Western and Northern Europe. The North has a sauna culture, where social nakedness in a sweatbox is the rule. Britain legalized public nudity. Ireland repealed its indecent exposure law and now has a scad of nude beaches. Nude recreation is commonplace from Portugal to Germany, and full nudity is common in media. The International Naturists Federation and FKK (Freikoerperkultur) are popular.

You don't need to hide the fact that you're a nudie in a closet for fear of being canceled or stalked. It is common and unremarkable.
I remember in England, there was naked people in sitcoms on the telly. I was fresh out of HS, and found this amazing.
People don't like change and they don't like seeing anything out of the ordinary. In colder climates where you need a way to retain body heat wearing clothes is the norm, to the point that it's become stylised as a rule of society and a rule of propriety.

A lot of tourists are quite shocked when they come here and see people walking in to a supermarket barefoot. I don't understand why, in the warmer parts of the country you don't need to wear shoes.
People don't like change and they don't like seeing anything out of the ordinary. In colder climates where you need a way to retain body heat wearing clothes is the norm, to the point that it's become stylised as a rule of society and a rule of propriety.

A lot of tourists are quite shocked when they come here and see people walking in to a supermarket barefoot. I don't understand why, in the warmer parts of the country you don't need to wear shoes.
You know, there is no general law requiring shoes in stores. There may be local ordinances.

Back in the 60s, in Florida, hippies used to walk into restaurants right off the beach in nothing but a swimsuit or shorts. The establishments had the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason back then. Rather than have managers and wait staff tell them they weren't welcome, one entrepreneur printed up signs indicating "No shoes - no shirt - no servce." It caught on quickly, and soon you could see them everywhere. Eventually, it was just assumed there was some health code prohibiting it.

Actually, there is no law in most localities requiring any clothing whatsoever at a restaurant. Nude dinner parties have become a minor "thing" in major metro areas. ("The Füde Dinner Experience") The larger nudist resorts I've been to have a restaurant open on weekends and a bar on weekend evenings. Only a towel to sit on was required. Some states or localities will prohibit alcohol from being served, using laws against liquor at adult entertainment venues. But fortunately, California doesn't consider nudie resorts to be adult entertainment.
You know, there is no general law requiring shoes in stores. There may be local ordinances.

Back in the 60s, in Florida, hippies used to walk into restaurants right off the beach in nothing but a swimsuit or shorts. The establishments had the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason back then. Rather than have managers and wait staff tell them they weren't welcome, one entrepreneur printed up signs indicating "No shoes - no shirt - no servce." It caught on quickly, and soon you could see them everywhere. Eventually, it was just assumed there was some health code prohibiting it.

Actually, there is no law in most localities requiring any clothing whatsoever at a restaurant. Nude dinner parties have become a minor "thing" in major metro areas. ("The Füde Dinner Experience") The larger nudist resorts I've been to have a restaurant open on weekends and a bar on weekend evenings. Only a towel to sit on was required. Some states or localities will prohibit alcohol from being served, using laws against liquor at adult entertainment venues. But fortunately, California doesn't consider nudie resorts to be adult entertainment.
You know, there is no general law requiring shoes in stores. There may be local ordinances.

Back in the 60s, in Florida, hippies used to walk into restaurants right off the beach in nothing but a swimsuit or shorts. The establishments had the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason back then. Rather than have managers and wait staff tell them they weren't welcome, one entrepreneur printed up signs indicating "No shoes - no shirt - no servce." It caught on quickly, and soon you could see them everywhere. Eventually, it was just assumed there was some health code prohibiting it.

Actually, there is no law in most localities requiring any clothing whatsoever at a restaurant. Nude dinner parties have become a minor "thing" in major metro areas. ("The Füde Dinner Experience") The larger nudist resorts I've been to have a restaurant open on weekends and a bar on weekend evenings. Only a towel to sit on was required. Some states or localities will prohibit alcohol from being served, using laws against liquor at adult entertainment venues. But fortunately, California doesn't consider nudie resorts to be adult entertainment.
My husband of nearly 10 years (we met in our 50's!) never wears shoes unless absolutely necessary. He carries a copy of the state law on wearing shoes in his wallet in case he is ever stopped or questioned! People actually stop him and say they wish they could ditch their shoes, too. :^) He is also a naturist. He hates wearing clothes and we have RV'd to many family naturist campgrounds. I only just realized that he is an Aspie, and only because my college roommate's daughter recently discovered her husband is an Aspie. When I heard about her experiences only then did I connect it to my husband. He was diagnosed with "Sluggish Cognitive Tempo" in 2020 but I read they are no longer diagnosing adults with Asperger's. I have always supported my husband's nudism and shoeless lifestyle because I figured he had tactile sensitivity. With the Asperger's piece now, everything is making much more sense!! It also helps me to help him, knowing why he says and does a lot of the things he does and allowing me to react in a much calmer and loving way.
I have always supported my husband's nudism and shoeless lifestyle because I figured he had tactile sensitivity.
I love the feeling of different textures under my feet when I'm walking. I hated shoes ever since I was little and I'm so glad that I live in a climate where they're not needed all year round.
I wonder if there are any famous nudists?
I'm sure there's quite a few, but the only story that comes to mind was back in the 80s when a woman on a Russian ship escaped and swam to shore and applied for asylum in Australia. They must have known she was going to try and defect because they locked her in her cabin and took all her clothes.

She managed to squeeze through a port hole and swam to shore wearing nothing but bikini bottoms.
Benjamin Franklin, Winston Churchill, Lyndon Johnson come to mind. There was a US president who swam naked in the Potomac every morning in warm weather. Don't remember which one
I love the feeling of different textures under my feet when I'm walking. I hated shoes ever since I was little and I'm so glad that I live in a climate where they're not needed all year round.

Yeah bare feet is the way to go. So nice to be barefoot in the summer.
Of course, to put things in perspective, anyone swimming prior to the late 1800s or so swam naked. It was just how it was done. In rural areas, it was commonplace right into the 1970s (I speak from experience there). In my father's youth in rural Georgia, they wouldn't have believed people had such a thing as a swimsuit. They didn't use the words skinny dip. It was just called swimming and it was done naked.
Of course, to put things in perspective, anyone swimming prior to the late 1800s or so swam naked. It was just how it was done. In rural areas, it was commonplace right into the 1970s (I speak from experience there). In my father's youth in rural Georgia, they wouldn't have believed people had such a thing as a swimsuit. They didn't use the words skinny dip. It was just called swimming and it was done naked.
Did women do this, too? I’m guessing swimsuits became a thing when swimming pools became a thing, probably?
There was a US president who swam naked in the Potomac every morning in warm weather. Don't remember which one
We had a Prime Minister who went swimming at a beach near Sorento in Victoria whenever he could. One day he went swimming and never came back. No body was ever found. Initially it sparked all sorts of conspiracy stories. It took a long time for people to accept that he probably just drowned.

In typical Aussie fashion we built a memorial for him - a public swimming pool. :)

Harold Holt
I am one female aspie who HATES being nude. The quicker I can get clothes on the better for me. Could be related to hating my body. Ah, well, there is no "could" about it. If I loved my body, no doubt I would love to be nude lol

Fascinates me in a grossed out way ( sorry) how nudest go about not being aroused around each other? Or, do you have a sort of safety mental latch, that aids in that aspect?
Did women do this, too? I’m guessing swimsuits became a thing when swimming pools became a thing, probably?
My mother, who also grew up in rural Georgia, has said that "mixed bathing" (males and females together) didn't happen when she was growing up. She also said she rarely went swimming.
Fascinates me in a grossed out way ( sorry) how nudest go about not being aroused around each other? Or, do you have a sort of safety mental latch, that aids in that aspect?
When you see both male and female of all ages together doing normal, non-sexual activities, it really is isn't arousing. We have been indoctrinated to believe otherwise, but the fact is that most nudist facilities are family oriented, and anyone who has visited one can confirm that being naked around others seems normal in a very short time. You don't know if the "down home" person you share the hot tub with is a blue collar worker or a millionaire.

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