Well whaddaya know. I had a few extra minutes and my curiousity got the best of me, but strangely I could only find research with some loose quotes to the contrary. As I don't have access to anything other than the abstracts on those sites, it wasn't worth linking to anyway. If you are going to say "research" then you need to produce actual links to solid papers. Tons of studies done are done incorrectly or with incorrect conclusions. At this point, you have a personal anecdote of not even a consistent experience, but a personal anecdote of a research paper that may or may not exist and that may or may not have been correctly executed. You cannot magically invoke the "There's a research paper somewhere on the internet that proves what I say" to get an instant correct.
Good for you, I'm sure they were a fascinating few minutes

Cberg - long hair is fine, just keep it tidy and wash it. As someone who really notices hair I have observed that men with long hair tend to not take as good care of it as women. Don't be one of those men, long greasy hair is disgusting, and a ponytail doesn't hide it as much as you might think it does.