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If I'm going to be honest

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Why give your opinion on my post then?

My opinion is not for you to decide. That is a fact, not an opinion. Knowing the difference between opinion and fact can help clarify communication. In a very literal sense of the word. Handing someone your opinion and saying 'Hey, this is what you think,' only serves one's personal biases toward one's self. Take a little time to listen and you might be surprised by what others actually think. It usually isn't nearly as dreadful as one would like to believe.
Yes you do sound like you find it hard to see you are not a jerk. Whatever a jerk is. Others don't agree though, you can't really stop us disagreeing, even if it is your thread.

'Born to Win' is a related text to these, if you can get it. By James and Jongwald. Helps people to stop being negative about themselves.
Yes you do sound like you find it hard to see you are not a jerk. Whatever a jerk is. Others don't agree though, you can't really stop us disagreeing, even if it is your thread.

'Born to Win' is a related text to these, if you can get it. By James and Jongwald. Helps people to stop being negative about themselves.
I don't read.
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