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If I'm going to be honest

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Yeah. Instead of people writing long ass paragraphs about how I'm always the bad guy.

That is your belief about yourself, which you are now projecting on other people and then getting hostile with them over your misunderstanding of the situation.

I will now be bowing out. Good luck, everyone.
Jerk. I do like jerk seasoning. Sometimes we are jerks but it doesn't mean people don't like you. There is an entire show called Jackass and these people have made big bucks off of being jerks.
Jerk. I do like jerk seasoning. Sometimes we are jerks but it doesn't mean people don't like you. There is an entire show called Jackass and these people have made big bucks off of being jerks.
Oh I would be perfect for that movie, would love to get beat up by a girl.
And I'm in tears right now...

Context on that says a lot. Frustration and loneliness can make it easy to lash out. It is reflexive to hide what one sees as a weakness, instead of a basic human need. That context does not say jerk. It is someone needing another to care, even just a little.

And when others reach out one doesn't know quite how to respond and is overwhelmed. (We are an autism forum, this same muddle of emotion is more common than one might think.) It is common ground and a pretty decent starting point for a conversation.

Maybe try being honest with yourself and start a thread or a blog on what you're thinking? Sometimes just writing something down can help.
I am a jerk and that's final.
Intensity Squared might be the right forum for you to cut loose when you want to express the jerk portion of your personality. Being a jerk there is not a requirement but is tolerated short of threatening the site and a couple of other minor Don'ts.
I'm experiencing loneliness and I have no online friends obviously, WHO CARES THOUGH

Who cares? The people on this forum, obviously.

And no, you’re not a jerk. Not in anyone’s eyes except your own.

Look, I’m gonna be blunt here. I’m not one to engage in fruitless, time-wasting endeavors. I have zero patience.

Based on that, do you think I’d be talking to you and saying these things that I do if you were a jerk or somehow not worth helping?

You can call yourself names all you want, for whatever bloody reason, and it will make no difference to those who want to help. It serves no purpose. But, when it comes to the idea of making friends (particularly IRL) it can make it dramatically harder to do so. That sort of negativity towards yourself… the people around you can spot it easily, and many of them wont want to hang around someone that constantly bashes themselves in the face. That’s how it works.

You gotta work on your attitude. There’s no reason for the things you do to yourself, except the illusory reasons you construct for yourself. Until you can improve in that regard, nothing will change.
You don't come across as person who's capable of effectively being hurtful to others even if you tried.
What has been going on on here lately??
This is not directed at any one specific person. This is a general statement about how I'm feeling and I can't speak for everyone.
People not being kind or civil to each other is very triggering for me, personally, and has led to me questioning whether I really want to participate on here very much anymore.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been feeling uncomfortable... In fact, I know I'm not.
There are only so many times I can report things before I start to feel like I'm being annoying or trying to overstep boundaries and do things that are not my job. But I have reported some things for the sake of just wanting this to be a peaceful, supportive place for myself and everyone else, and I would encourage everyone to report things that are upsetting, as tree has been encouraging me and some others to do.

I want to stay, because I desperately need the support, but it's terribly upsetting to me to see people argue or call names or be generally unkind to each other (that goes for people disrespecting moderators, too, of course. The mods here do an amazing job and it's not fair to them to keep making threads and posts that they probably have to watch like a hawk to make sure they're not turning into a conflict.)
I know this is just my personal feelings and my opinion, and it might not matter to everyone, but just thought I'd offer my two cents.

Who cares? The people on this forum, obviously.

And no, you’re not a jerk. Not in anyone’s eyes except your own.

Look, I’m gonna be blunt here. I’m not one to engage in fruitless, time-wasting endeavors. I have zero patience.

Based on that, do you think I’d be talking to you and saying these things that I do if you were a jerk or somehow not worth helping?

You can call yourself names all you want, for whatever bloody reason, and it will make no difference to those who want to help. It serves no purpose. But, when it comes to the idea of making friends (particularly IRL) it can make it dramatically harder to do so. That sort of negativity towards yourself… the people around you can spot it easily, and many of them wont want to hang around someone that constantly bashes themselves in the face. That’s how it works.

You gotta work on your attitude. There’s no reason for the things you do to yourself, except the illusory reasons you construct for yourself. Until you can improve in that regard, nothing will change.
Cool, don't care about these types of posts.
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