Hi Catalyst,
Thanks for your detailed reply!
I will have to look up the first book you mentioned, the "Unwritten Rules". It sounds fascinating!
I thought about the Narcissistic personality side of things several months ago, but it really doesn't fit my sweetheart. He's very humble, and really has no interest in revenge or being better than/more powerful than anyone else. He doesn't play games. He really, like me, just wants to be loved, accepted, and understood for who he is.
There is no passive aggression...no aggression... He's a very decent human being. Honest to a fault. Extremely talented yet truly modest.
Definitely NOT over-confident, he is fairly shy and introverted, really.
He is, however, extremely sensitive and tends to take everything personally. Any criticism, or sometimes just having a different opinion, can seem to hurt his feelings. He is NEVER hostile, never raises his voice (except when we're having an argument that has already escalated.)
He has a hard time understanding my point of view, but it's quite clear to me that he WANTs to. He just...doesn't get it.
As for the books---I hear ya! I have read the Five Love Languages myself, among many others.
I don't think my Aspie guy would ever read anything like that. He tends to keep his own counsel and tends to think what he knows already is sufficient...
I've talked about my love language, he just doesn't understand how physical touch can be so powerful for me, because it's not for him. He is unable to identify any love language for himself, but I can tell you, it's Quality Time. He likes doing things together, and having great conversations. That's his #1.
My ex was some type of Covert/Vulnerable Narcissist. He was a liar and a cheater.
I am so sorry your marriage isn't working out. It's so hard to go through all that, and even though I can say there is life on the other side, it's very painful to get there.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write. I hope things get better for you soon!