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Inappropriate emotional responses to funerals

Does anyone else have inapproprite emotional responses to funerals or any event really.

I hate funerals, not because everyone is sad but because one is supposed to act sad, maybe cry or be solemn.
The first funeral I went to was for a classmate that died from leukemia. I was horrified to find myself smiling and I even laughed.
I've been to several funerals since and I still have to bite my tongue to keep from laughing and smiling.
The thing is, while I feel sad that someone I know and love is gone, I am happy for them in a weird way too.
I am hesitant to post this message because I know it is bizarre. I have never confessed these things before to anyone!
Can anyone relate to this?
I laughed hysterically at a funeral. Am I normal?
Every one has their own way of grieving I've went to funerals where jokes were said to lighten the mood, sometimes I tell private jokes to myself causing me to laugh out loud.
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