I'm sorry, what?!?
Why would you leave? Your interest in ASD is reason enough for you to be a legitimate member.
I personally find your presence very encouraging & uplifting, it helps keep in perspective that there can be more to life than "Spectrumites vs. TheWorld", and that there are indeed NTs willing to learn about us & participate in building stronger bridges, which is a nice change to the bullying, bashing and rejection. It gives me not just perspective, but also hope.
I see you as an NT Ally, and it's worth so much. Please stay (And please don't think you don't belong here)
As for your other question, I'm also an INTJ, but even with all of the overlapping elements, I clearly don't feel it's enough to explain everything, so I don't feel it would be interchangeable with Asperger's, mostly because of the sensory issues, but not just that.
I completely disagree.
I havent disagreed with anyone for ages, so I thought I would do it randomly.
(Even though I agree, brackets are invisible right?)