I am the same as
@Judge regarding my home and workspace. I need order so that I can function. I also enjoy housework/cleaning. I find it relaxing and always enjoy the end result of a clean, tidy house that smells lovely.
I'm not prone to want to clean environments that are not mine; however, I have little tolerance for being somewhere that is dirty or smelly. I have a very keen sense of smell and can quickly become overwhelmed by smells that are offensive to me.
Personal hygiene - I do these things because I have to, but admit that since lock-down/working from home, I've lost interest in how I look as it no longer matters now that I'm at home all of the time. I have found that the decline in the need to go through the personal hygiene motions of regular showering, blow drying hair, cleansing/moisturising my face, brushing/flossing teeth in order to present to the outside world has had a detrimental impact on my self esteem and for the past few weeks I have tried to push myself to follow the routines as if I were leaving the house every day for work. I'm not quite there yet. It's work in progress.