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Is anyone really dirty

I don't mind much about cleaning, I usually do it if someone is coming to stay, which is seldom. It just doesn't seem worth it unless anything is really dirty, I would clean spills or any obvious dirt, but a bit of dust etc doesn't seem urgent...
Pet hair is a constant problem for me. I can't really keep up the way I want to.
Pet hair is a constant problem for me. I can't really keep up the way I want to.

I have to deal with pet hair, too. Hair balls drift around the floors like tumbleweeds if I don't vacuum regularly, and our housecleaner hasn't been here for months now. The best thing I've found to do is to brush the dog outside at least once a week, and keep old towels at the foot of our bed and on the armchair in the bedroom for the 2 cats to sleep on. I force myself to vacuum this huge house at least once a week and I hate it. I've closed off two of the bedrooms so they stay clean and I vacuum them about once a month because no one goes in there.

During this long drawn out quarantine, the 2 female cats and I have migrated to the bedroom to watch TV or whatever, while my husband and the male dog migrate to the sunroom to hang out. We now call them the "girls' room" and "boys' room" LOL.
I have to deal with pet hair, too. Hair balls drift around the floors like tumbleweeds if I don't vacuum regularly, and our housecleaner hasn't been here for months now. The best thing I've found to do is to brush the dog outside at least once a week, and keep old towels at the foot of our bed and on the armchair in the bedroom for the 2 cats to sleep on.
I really have time to vacuum. I am in early retirement, after all. I just procrastinate. The pandemic has made my procrastination worse, for some reason.

I actually have a chair on my balcony so I can sit down and brush the kids, but I hardly ever do it. Perhaps if a print out a list of chores to do and tick them off sequentially, I might find the discipline.

I use Google calendar and take the garbage out like a robot when I see the reminder in email. I guess I can extend this automatic response.
does anyone relate to this feeling?

I totally relate. I am a combination of ASD and ADHD. Basically I forget what I am doing so much and get so distracted from point A to B that between those two points, there is often a mess. I have a horrible time with focus. It is my sense that many aspies who are not also ADHD are much more organized and clean, although it is a pretty big spectrum.

You seem like you might be "The Mix". I have a theory that explains this. Basically ASD+ADHD in the disorder theory of cognition somewhat maps into the type I call Extra-Cultural Understanding (you feel loved when people understand you care).
We can get really messy! My wife is ECU but she is asexual... in the type, they do seem to be cleaner.
I totally relate. I am a combination of ASD and ADHD. Basically I forget what I am doing so much and get so distracted from point A to B that between those two points, there is often a mess. I have a horrible time with focus.

This could have been me writing this, except I have ADD, rather than ADHD.
My focus is almost non-existent.

It is my sense that many aspies who are not also ADHD are much more organized and clean, although it is a pretty big spectrum.

I have a desire to be organised, but it is the motivation/procrastination which is the problem.
Good gracious! I looked him up and he has been venerated in almost every denomination. Is that usual? This guy sounds very cool. I will do more research on him. I would like to learn more.
Cool. It is pretty odd, but the general rule is that the earlier you came along, the better the odds of venerated outside the one branch of the faith you're in (sensible, but still kind of sad; given that the core messages and virtues of every form of Christianity are pretty much the same, and the heart of the faith is arguably "quit fighting with on another; God loves us all"). The fourth centurywas bey
Personal cleanliness: I used to shower every day.
With the pandemic, it is every second day.

House cleaning: I get what you are saying about it is getting dirty again anyway, and I don't vacuum enough, but I want to.
yeh if nobody is around and if its cold especially i will not shower for . . . a while.
I totally relate. I am a combination of ASD and ADHD. Basically I forget what I am doing so much and get so distracted from point A to B that between those two points, there is often a mess. I have a horrible time with focus. It is my sense that many aspies who are not also ADHD are much more organized and clean, although it is a pretty big spectrum.

You seem like you might be "The Mix". I have a theory that explains this. Basically ASD+ADHD in the disorder theory of cognition somewhat maps into the type I call Extra-Cultural Understanding (you feel loved when people understand you care).
We can get really messy! My wife is ECU but she is asexual... in the type, they do seem to be cleaner.
Hmm never thought about the ADHD Thing. I do know that when i was a kid teachers suggested this to my mom, who was very angry about it. Im over here thinking, how can i have a short attention span, but then i think, what do you have it to compare it to? you have always been this way so there is no way to really understand that you are different. plus me hyperfocusing, but also being scatterbrained may support this haha.
Hmm never thought about the ADHD Thing. I do know that when i was a kid teachers suggested this to my mom, who was very angry about it. Im over here thinking, how can i have a short attention span, but then i think, what do you have it to compare it to? you have always been this way so there is no way to really understand that you are different. plus me hyperfocusing, but also being scatterbrained may support this haha.

I only recently consciously became aware of how bad my ADD was.

Consider this:
I sit in front of the TV watching the news, etc. Rather than listening to the entire report, I go off on a tangent thinking about what I just heard.
I find it very difficult to stay in focus.
I only recently consciously became aware of how bad my ADD was.

Consider this:
I sit in front of the TV watching the news, etc. Rather than listening to the entire report, I go off on a tangent thinking about what I just heard.
I find it very difficult to stay in focus.
i do that too. i never thought about it being short attention span. i thought of it as tv being just there for ambience so we can start thinking of stuff to talk about lol.
i do that too. i never thought about it being short attention span. i thought of it as tv being just there for ambience so we can start thinking of stuff to talk about lol.
Try focusing on an entire section of a news report, etc, not a movie, and tell us how you went. ;)
Martin of Tours. A lot of histories of him leave the hair part out, along with the part about how he didn't want to be a bishop, so he hid, but was betrayed by the honking of a goose. Ever since, on Saint Martin's day, they eat goose- I'm not sure which of them it's a jab at. Maybe both.

It was also a nod to Martin Luther King, whom I admire, and to Martin Luther, whose steadfast courage and determination to see things he knew was wrong set right deeply resonated with me. And a way of thumbing my nose at the Church a little, since, you know, Martin Luther and all. And several other things, too; taking on a new name is not a decision to be made lightly.
I know someone else who doesn't comb her hair:

I rarely ever comb my roots to avoid spreading the oil into more visible places.
Hmm never thought about the ADHD Thing. I do know that when i was a kid teachers suggested this to my mom, who was very angry about it. Im over here thinking, how can i have a short attention span, but then i think, what do you have it to compare it to? you have always been this way so there is no way to really understand that you are different. plus me hyperfocusing, but also being scatterbrained may support this haha.

Yep! I was diagnosed with autism as a child then in 7th grade I was diagnosed with ADHD. I have an Adderall prescription which helps me immensely in focus so I can get my work done.

I actually like being both... the ADHD takes the edge off of my ASD :D. I just wish I didn't make so many messes (and so does my wife). What is worse than a mess? Trying to get the focus to clean it up!;)
Yep! I was diagnosed with autism as a child then in 7th grade I was diagnosed with ADHD. I have an Adderall prescription which helps me immensely in focus so I can get my work done.

I actually like being both... the ADHD takes the edge off of my ASD :D. I just wish I didn't make so many messes (and so does my wife). What is worse than a mess? Trying to get the focus to clean it up!;)
now im wondering if this is also affecting my messiness as well. man i was talking to my friend about this and she looked at me like she already knew this, and im like, why didnt you tell meee
now im wondering if this is also affecting my messiness as well. man i was talking to my friend about this and she looked at me like she already knew this, and im like, why didnt you tell meee

Well... I have been researching this stuff for the last 15 years and have met many of us "mix" people. It is all part of the theoretical models I am working on.

We are generally a goofy compassionate wild "out of the box" thinking type. We are very different from most aspies.

Do you feel most loved and happy when someone lets you know that they feel your caring? (this is the best feeling ever for me :) ) This is predicted in the theory.

Generally, we are much more interactive and social as well.
I know a trope trait of people with autism is being incredulously clean, but i also read that people with asd reallly have polarizing traits. I am horribly dirty, horribly clumsy, horribly cluttered. I dont see any logic in being clean honestly. if the dirty is bound to come again, why do i have to clean? why clean when i can work out? why clean when i can meal prep? why clean when i can draw or play games? I dont care and i only "clean" because it bothers other people. sometimes i even find it shallow to focus on cleanliness so much. regardless of all this, i know that this is not a normal feeling and that i need to be cleaner. i recently bought some organizing stuff like agendas and calendars to try and help me, as well as a timer

does anyone relate to this feeling?
As a kid, I wasn't very clean. I never used to shower properly. My classmates hated the smell and sight of me. Even now, as an adult, I'm not that clean. I take thorough showers everyday and clean every part of me, however when it comes to cleaning the apartment, I can't bring myself to clean anything properly. My mom is afraid I might become a hoarder. She's afraid I might end up losing my apartment if I live alone in the future.
As a kid, I wasn't very clean. I never used to shower properly. My classmates hated the smell and sight of me. Even now, as an adult, I'm not that clean. I take thorough showers everyday and clean every part of me, however when it comes to cleaning the apartment, I can't bring myself to clean anything properly. My mom is afraid I might become a hoarder. She's afraid I might end up losing my apartment if I live alone in the future.
same i really thought i was going to be on hoarders. But after this post i kind of have faith ill be cleaner. i realized that in my old apt i was even worse, and that there is someone, even if its small, improvement. Dont give up! im trying not to. although right now its hard to see the light that well...
I really have time to vacuum. I am in early retirement, after all. I just procrastinate. The pandemic has made my procrastination worse, for some reason.

I actually have a chair on my balcony so I can sit down and brush the kids, but I hardly ever do it. Perhaps if a print out a list of chores to do and tick them off sequentially, I might find the discipline.

I use Google calendar and take the garbage out like a robot when I see the reminder in email. I guess I can extend this automatic response.

I do so many things during the day that everything that's not already a routine can slip through and I suddenly realise it's been already a week since I'm forgetting or putting off something :blush:

I've been using a habit tracking app lately, both to encourage or discourage some habits, it works really well to keep me accountable, but I don't have ADD. It apparently takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit, I'm sticking with this for now trying to turn some things on "automatic" ;)

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