It is entirely possible to learn methods to compensate for that which does not come naturally. They include algorithms, role-playing and even method acting. (Some very fine high functioning autistic actors out there!) These are very good things to do if your symptoms are not so severe as to preclude them. They are no more a "cure" for autism than an insulin pump is a "cure" for type I diabetes.
I overcame life long anxiety, depression, and stress in one day after watching 1 hour of CBT videos and changing beliefs I've had as long as I can remember. I went from very low emotional intelligence and not understanding people very well to above average emotional intelligence and understanding people much better in just one day. There wasn't any compensating, pretending, or masking of anything.
Hate to say this but you do not remember what happened to you as a baby. The signs of autism are even visible in pre-verbal children if you know what to look for.
I remember what beliefs I've had since I was a young child. I also have parents who told me how I acted as a child. Behavior is caused by a person's beliefs. A recent study confirmed that toddlers can get depressed and that those who do have symptoms similar to autism. Although they lost interest in people, they were extremely sensitive to rejection suggesting that perceived rejection was the cause of their depression. There's evidence that babies can suffer from depression.
Changing my beliefs eliminated symptoms I've had since I was 1 or 2 years old which meant those beliefs are what caused the autism symptoms that went away after changing those beliefs.
Predicting Intentional Communication in Preverbal Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder
If someone suggested what might have happened, they could easily have created false memories. This is the same thing doctors have been saying for many decades, that autism is caused by frigid mothers. Too many good and loving mothers had their lives and self-respect destroyed by this bit of slander.
No one suggested anything.
It's an established fact that early childhood neglect causes many of the symptoms of autism. Bruno Bettelheim observed that all of the autistic children he evaluated closely had symptoms consistent with parental rejection. His observation that classic autism is the result of feeling rejected has never been disproven and is supported by science.
The Refrigerator Mother theory made popular by Bettelheim was that children
rightly perceived their mother as cold and rejecting. I believe classic autism is often due to children
wrongly perceiving their mother as cold and rejecting due to cognitive distortions that arose after being born with cognitive dysfunction (which I consider the genetic cause of autistic traits). That means there's a strong genetic predisposition to autism with the child's misunderstanding, not the mother, causing autism.
The evidence for a very large genetic component for autism is so overwhelming that denying it is like denying the change in the climate over the last 50 years or denying the value of vaccinations.
The evidence is that autistic traits have a large genetic component which can predispose a person to becoming autistic. I agree that autistic traits are genetic. The evidence that autism (meaning the additional symptoms above and beyond autistic traits) is psychological is overwhelming and CBT has been proven to cure the additional symptoms of autism beyond autistic traits.
If CBT fixed your issues, you didn't have autism.
Science says otherwise. Numerous studies have shown that people recover from autism. Claiming that everyone who recovered was never autistic is a logical fallacy known as circular reasoning.