I'm a Christian, but I do believe that many aspies become atheists because of our rigid & highly logical thinking.
I'd say that it isn't rigid at all to think logically and not be swayed by a crowd of people chanting to us that the world is flat, moon is made of cheese, Santa is real, we will go to heaven when we die, etc etc...
I'd say from my experience that religious people tend to be the most rigid in their mindset. Try talking logically to someone who is strongly religious, and it doesn't take long to come across this phenomenon!!
I am genuinely interested that so many people here in AC are religious. I think it shows just how strong upbringings and environment can affect everyone. I wonder how many religious people choose this mindset from a purely open and logical starting point...
.... and how frightening it is to think someone would swallow the whole dogma and superstition and closed mindset out of pure choice. Im not trying to insult anyone here, but logically, every religion cannot be the "right one" as they all claim. If one of them is right, and the others are all wrong... how crazy is that?? It's illogical to think that any one of them is the right choice, when there is no real evidence that ANY one of them is correct.
Any evidence offered up by religious people just goes to show how little grasp of logical reasoning is behind such claims.
Im only responding to the statement made that aspies are rigid. I'm not trying to upset anyone, but upset occurs when rigid thinking meets an open mind.
Oh, and in case there's any doubt, I'm not religious at all! Actually, I like Taoism, which isn't a religion. It's philosophy, which I think is more useful as it doesn't insist it is right(!). A lot of atheist thinking is mirrored in philosophical Taoism! Considering Taoist philosophy predates a lot of the mainstream religions (sorry Christianity!!) and was restricted in its circulation amongst the general population, this is why I like it. It doesn't set out to control anybody. It just is a way of looking at things. interestingly, I found that when I first read about it, I found myself realising I thought the same way as Taoism describes itself. I didn't force myself to think in the way it says you should, because it doesn't do that! unlike all the 'religions' of the world...